Oh everybody’s favourite season,….. Destination Imagination season! I know adults say that Christmas is the craziest time of the year but they obviously have never done Destination Imagination. The amount of brainpower and teamwork that goes into to the crucial performance is absolutely insane, mind blowing, extraordinary and incredible. I’ve only ever done it once before and I was on the improv team ( which if you don’t know is the easiest of the challenges) if you wish to see me my first time setting foot on a DI stage, or if you just want to see what we all looked like with long hair, look no further then here. Scientific is much more complicated then I was initially prepared for. However my group still came together and created a solution before I get ahead of myself let me tell you a little bit about how we created our solution. But if you don’t feel like reading it (I don’t blame you, all the fun is in the video anyways) and are here just to see our performance no need to wait any longer. YES, brought to you by Julien, Liam, Ryan, Keenan, Nathan and myself:

To start any DI solution you need to read the rules of the road and read the requirements for your challenge to even start the challenge. This can be a daunting task because the instructions are lots of long words in them so what we did is we took highlighters and highlight keywords and different colours to help us understand our challenge so we can get a place to start, because starting is honestly the second hardest part after performing.  Once we did that was when we started thinking we had to think of how we would solve the solution. For us our problem was thinking of ideas and realizing that they didn’t fit the challenge or they broke a rule in the rules of the road. This meant a lot of revising and going back to check to make sure that our ideas met the requirements. Once we had ideas we had to figure out how to turn the ideas into real things. We had lots of brainstorming on how to do this but little action stuff and we lost a lot of time this way that we could’ve been using to build our solution. As a team and we reflect back on this we realize that this is where we lost the most time. By the time we realized that it was a little bit too late. We did most of the building for our solution in the week leading up to the tournaments. This last minute work led to a couple of malfunctions in our solution.

Even though that last week was crunch it was some of the best teamwork I’ve ever seen happen or been a part of. And it showed, the adjudicators said that we worked very well as team and even though it was a struggle to get there when we presented our solution it felt really strong. We ended up coming second in overall and first with our instant challenge!! For us this was a huge success and a big win for the amount of work we put in. 

From this I learned a lot about how much a strong timeline or schedule can help you complete a task on time. This is one of the major flaws in how my team work together. I think if earlier on we had created a clear timeline we could have completed more or it would’ve been better work. I’ve also learned time and time again how important it is to assign roles when working as a team. My teachers tell it to me all the time and I feel as though I’ve mentioned it in blogs before as a place for growth. Another thing I learned is how good of a snack lettuce is, if you ever need a good snack to get you through DI I would highly recommend a head of lettuce 🥬 , it is extremely underrated. it sounds a bit off topic but I figured I might as well give some survivor tips if anyone reading this is going to do DI or any stressful situation for that matter. That’s something I love about DI actually, all the things you learn from DI can be transferred into your life.  The amount of high intensity situations like DI that everyone has to go through in their lives, I will be just at just a little bit more prepared next time around. So I hope if you do eat a head of lettuce for a snack you think of this blog, until next project…