My mPOL post for 2021/2022

This is a mid-term presentation of learning about the 3 main subjects that i have been taking in my term one. The subjects are: scimatics(math and science in one) humanities and maker(stuff we need to know how to do and whatnot).

So hear i am going to talk about the story of my learning so far during this first semester of my high-school year.

I am going to talk about the 3 different subjects that i am taking with the plp. The first subject that i am going to talk about is humanities.

In humanities the projects that we have worked on are: medium is the message, the outsiders and working with words.

So the first project that we worked on in humanities is medium is the message. Medium is the message was about advertising. The point of this project was to get an ad to a local business. We were put in to groups to do this. The client that my group got was Patricia Houlihan. But we couldn’t just make an ad right away right? So in order to get the knowledge to make an ad the class spent a bit learning about advertising. Once we hade learned about advertising it was time to make an ad. So the first ads that we made were by ourselves. So we made multiple darts of our ads and once we thought that we had perfected them we showed our final ads to our group. We then proceeded to vote on which ad that we thought was the best. We picked the best ad improved it and then sent it to Patricia Houlihan.

This was my first ad draft for humanities
This is the second ad that i did for humanities and the one that i think is the best
This is my third ad draft, but i think that it is kind of ugly
This is my final ad draft.

here are my group ad drafts.

This the first draft of my group mate ruby, we voted it our group ad, then made some improvements.
Once we had made our improvements this was our final draft.

Now for the outsiders, the second project that we worked on. One of the main points of this project was to increase our world view and to do that we read the book The Outsiders by: S.E.Hinton. The book the outsiders is about the struggle between two social casts the greasers(poor people) and the socs(rich people). So in this project we read the books the outsiders and did activity’s on the different parts of the book. We did some character analysis, a reflection on the movie and a character deck to name a few. We were also put in groups for this project. One of the things that we had to do as a group in this project was to make a “movie poster” for how the outsiders should look like now. Th main thing about this project was reading the book and i really enjoyed this project compared to our previous one Medium is the Message. Make sure to add some media and links. Here are some images or work and picture from the exhibition:

Here is me posing for a poster.
Here is me in the poster. I know eye caching and horrible.
Here is my group poster.
Here is me in the group poster made by a group mate.

The third project that we did/are doing at the time of me writing this is working with words. This project is about poetry. The main focus of this project was to learn about poetry and write some poems to out in an e book of our poems. In class we made a list of poetry terms. Another thing that we did was analyise some poem that we written by other people. Then once we had all of our poems written and our all of our terms memorized we took a poetry test. Then it was time to present our poems in our  coffee house presentation and the project was done. 

Here are some photos from the poetry book that we put all of the poetry in.

Now to talk about my second class maker. Maker is my class for learning about iPads and other things that are just handy to know. In maker the projects that we have done/ are still doing are: destination imagination, geek out blog challenger,constructing creative communication and becalming a plp learner.

The first project that we did in maker was becoming a PLP learner. In becoming a plp learner we did a series of activities that were designed to increase our knowledge of apps that we have on our iPads so that we cold do other projects and know how to use this incredible piece of technology that we use in this program. Once we had learned these skills, we put most of them to work in the maker exhibition. Here are some picture from that project

Here is a picture from my maker exhibition keynote presentation
Here is my Memoji speech bubble

The second project that we did in maker was constructing creative communication. The point of constructing creative communication was to learn to use our iPads in a different way. There ways two parts to this project Herzog and Carr. Booth parts of this project were named after a famous person relating to the part of the project. Herzog was focused on drawing and Carr was focused on drawing. When we started one of the projects we would learn about the person that the project was named after and we would learn about what we would be doing in the project. Then we would have a five. Session thing where we would learn 1 skill per session. Here are some drawings from the Carr group:

And here are some pictures from Herzog

The next thing that we started was destination imagination. In destination imagination you have a team and you are supposed to come up with a solution to a problem and come up with some teem choice elements which are up to your team to decide. Then you present. I also forgot to mention you also do instant challenges which are challenges that your team has to solve on a dime.


Last project that we have done so far is the is the geek out blog challenge. In the geek out blog challenge we had to pick a subject and then write 4 blog articles about it. For my subject i picked the difference between Minecraft java and bedrock. In the different blogs we had to do one on a photo and two choice blogs. For the different differences on my subject i pick Pvp and Redstone and off hands. That is what we had to do for this challenge. I think this challenge was cool. Oh and i forgot for the last post we have to combine it with destination imagination. Here are some screen shots that i took to make a point

This is the photo of redstone that i did s sketch on
Here is a photo of the attack indicator look at where the arrow is pointing
Here is a photo of the attack indicator look at where the arrow is pointing.

And finally time for scimatics. In scimatics the projects that we have done are: laser laws, tectonic chances and fractions for your time. The first project that we did in scimatics was fractions of your time. In this project what we did was we tracked what we did for a while. It was mainly focused on screen time, but you cold also track how much book reading you did and how much exercise you did to name a few. Then once we had done all of our tracking for a week, we put all of the data in to charts and we did our averages and found out roughly how our time was used.

Here is a photo of the chart that we used to track screen time

the project that we did next was called tectonic chances. What we did in tectonic chances was we made a board game based on tectonic plate and volcanic reactions and the sort. The game that my group made was called escape the plates. The point of the board game was to get rocket ship pieces to esacpe a foreign planet. We started the project as normal by learning about what we were doing and then just did the project was normal end of story.

Here is a picture of the back of the cards that we used

And the final project that we have done in scimatics is….. laser laws! Laser laws is a project about laser, the law of reflection and the Pythagorean theorem. The main goal of this project was to make a laser display using math and a laster simulator to understand the main concepts of this project. But we started this project just like any other. We learned about what we would be doing. I think this project was one of the cooler ones that we have done but on of the hardest. I think that hardest part about this project was getting the laser exactly where we wanted it in real life.

Here is a photo of my group’s laser display


thank you for reading.

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