Lasers! (Scimatics)

Hello people!  For this blog post, I will be talking about what we have been doing in Scimatics… lasers!  We also learnt about the Pythagorean Theorem and The Law of Reflection! Enjoy!

Check out my teammates:




Driving question: How can we test the Pythagorean Theorem and the Law of Reflection?

When we started this project, we had to make a mind map on what we know about the  Pythagorean Theorem and lasers.  From previous experiences, I had already known what the Pythagorean Theorem.  Here it is:

We then proceeded to build up our knowledge about the Law of Reflection.  We read multiple text books and did multiple workbooks. Before I continue, the Law of Reflection is a theory that whenever a light hits a plane mirror (incidence ray), it will bounce of in the opposite direction it was hit (reflection ray).  In the middle is a line called the normal, it splits the 2 rays so that is an equal distance from each other.  Here is a diagram:

After that, we then performed an experiment.  We wanted to see if we could prove the law of reflection with just a ray box, 2 plane mirrors, a pencil and paper.  I did the experiment twice and I think that I successfully proved the law of reflection.  This is it:

Lab experiment – Law of Reflection

Then, we started researching on the Pythagorean Theorem.  Like the Law of Reflection, we did multiple textbooks and workbooks.   The Pythagorean Theorem is the theory that if you square the 2 legs (shorter sides) and add them together, it will equal the hypotenuse squared (longer side).  Here is another diagram:

We then proceeded to do another experiment, however, this time we used a website.  I also had to prove the Law of Reflection and the Pythagorean Theorem.  Here:

Laser design

When we finished that, we the started planning out our final laser design.  We decided to have our theme as space.  Gwenyth mostly drew in the planets, stars and rockets.  I think our design turned put quite well, however, I think we could have added 3D items.  After that, we had to wire all our cables, instead of getting a laser that comes with all the functions.  We had to connect the wires to the batteries to the laser.  I found it quite fun and unique doing it.
Here are a bunch of photos:

The last thing we did inside this project was to create an end of project mind map.  Like the first mind map, we had to display about what we knew about the Pythagorean Theorem and lasers.  Here is a photo of it:

First Competency:

Questioning and predicting: Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest

While doing this topic, it was intriguing experimenting with lasers and found it quite fun.  I kept on task throughout the whole topic and did not hand in anything that was late.

Second Competency:

Communicating and Representing: Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms

For this competency, I did not struggle doing the Pythagorean Theorem or The Law of Reflection.   I know this because I had no problems with doing the workbooks or textbooks for both the subjects.

Third Competency:

Applying and innovating: Co-operatively design projects

I think I communicated and worked well with all my teammates.  While working, we did not fight about anything and worked together to create our laser display.  We also planned some parts of our laser display beforehand, we knew what materials we had to bring and calculated all the measurements.

In conclusion, I learnt a lot of different things that I found quite useful.  One thing I think I did well was communicating to the group.  We messaged each other about what materials we would need and what we should do beforehand.  One thing I think I could have worked on was creating a better board for our laser display.  Other peoples laser displays had 3D designs to enhance their lasers whilst we only used markers to draw planets.  Thanks for reading!


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