2023 mPol

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

This past semester had been a huge learning curve. For the past few months we have worked on multiple projects  such as Becoming a PLP Learner, Interesting Images, Geek Out, Crusades, Middle Ages, and Winter Exhibition. Within each project I have learned something new about myself, and how to communicate my work in so many different ways I had never imaged of. 

                                      First Blog Post: Making Interesting Images   


Interesting Images was a simple blog post showcasing different pictures we had taken using new techniques and tools that our iPad can provide to enhance our photography skills. If I were to re-write the blog post today, I would focus on adding more information and reflection to the blogpost, rather than simply doing the bare minimum. Luckily, this was my first blog post and had received and exceeding despite my faults. 

                                                 Second Blog Post: Geek Out!

My Geek Out blog post is probably my least favourite blog post… We all were asked to choose a topic that we could talk endlessly about, and chose to write about my cat, Mr. Bieber. The blog post did not seem interesting, and I never felt proud to post it. Next time I would change my topic to softball, something I think about and do all the time. However, with all the reflection given to this post, I learned so much about myself, and how to make quality future work. Ever since I published my Geek Out post I work on an assignment, I ask myself; would I be proud to show this to the world? Asking myself this question assures that my work has reached my standards, and is something I am confident to share. In the end, this blog post has helped me more in the long run, making myself not regret those mistakes.

                                       Third Blog Post: Middle Ages Reflection 

     Throughout the past semester, this has to be some of my proudest work. In November we took 2-3 weeks to create two Keynote presentations; Middle Ages, and the Crusades. This blog post was used to look back and reflect on the previous presentations. While writing the above blog post, I was excited to say that I was proud of my work, received positive feedback, and learned a new strategy to improve my work quality. 

After submitting the assignment my humanities teacher recommended I adjust my learning plan goal from an accomplished to an exceeding. This was my first project that required no revisions and made me very proud.  But of course, I didn’t receive this success without struggle. While writing the presentations, I got stuck at constant idea blocks about how and what I should write to answer the driving question. Luckily, I began to ask myself the following question each time I got stuck;  “if you were learning about *blank*, and read this work, would you understand and learn from *blank*?” 

After asking myself this question and making sure my writing applied, I felt much more confident and proud of my work. 

                                  Fourth Blog Post: My First Winter Exhibition ❄️

The winter exhibition was a rough ride for me. I ran into multiple bumps dragging me slightly behind. While brainstorming ideas for our Pandora’s box, I went through many different ideas which ended up taking more time than expected. Before coming up with a final idea, most were either un realistic for the timeline, or was something I wouldn’t feel necessarily proud of. Until, I came to a consensus. My confirmed idea was physically appealing, and was on theme, however, I was not the proudest. After completing my box, I felt I could have answered the driving question with deeper thought and meaning, but it was already too late. 

On the other hand, I am proud of the honesty that my blog post stated. I had an honest reflection, and have learned from my mistakes. For my next exhibition I will remind myself of the driving question, and make sure that my work has met the goal. Considering this was my first ever exhibition, I think everything went fairly smoothly and am looking forward for the next!

Overall Reflection 🔄

Despite the many different bumps I experienced during each project, there was one constant problem I went through with each assignment. With having a new and busy calendar this year, I have been procrastinating and using poor time management skills. I have left all four blog posts to the last minute, only creating more stress on my shoulders and possibly bringing down the quality in my work. 

This semester I plan on changing my work ethic from procrastination to being organized, timely, and obviously no longer procrastinating. 

Beginning steps to take; 

  • No making excuses for myself
  • Plan time zones, and goals to complete homework
  • Continue to use Things and Calendar to help organize activity and homework

I’m excited to make these changes for the better of my learning!

Awesome Renaissance Innovations!

My triptych

While making the triptych I only used two apps, SuperimposeX, and Pages. SuperimposeX was a big life saver for me. The App is extremely simple to use once you get the hand of it, and was extremely helpful while putting together my triptych. I used SuperimposeX for almost everything such as, photo shopping images, adding filters,  and more. After finally finishing each panel of my Triptych, I laid each panel out on Pages to begin putting each panel together into my final triptych. Pages and SuperimoseX made building my triptych a smooth and fun adventure with little trouble.

Though I did find the building of my triptych fairly easy and fun, I did have a challenge while coming up with a thesis and historical explanation. I used Craft to take notes dedicated to the Renaissance which did make this process easier, however, I had a hard time concluding all the information into one explanation. I ended up finishing my historical explanation slightly overdue, and was second guessing myself and my work. In the end I did receive feedback and began to make my work something to be proud of, and in the end I am happy with the finishing product. 

Overall, during this project I grew confident with my SuperimposeX skills, and I overcame bumps within the project. After overcoming the challenges I faced during the historical explanation,  I look forward to pushing through my next project and learning even more!

Left Panel 

New ideas in the Renaissance created medical deveplment, clocks, telescopes/lenses, the printing press, and the initial idea of critical thinking. Printing press’s allowed for quick and affective communication throughout the world, complex sketches by Leonardo da Vinci creating a better understanding of the anatomy, lenses growing into tele/micro scopes – allowing us to closer study biology and astronomy, and accurate clocks that we use to this day.  But the biggest idea of all, critical thinking. Critical thinking began the idea of using personal judgement and evaluation to use realistic thinking for our benefit. All of the above created a significantly more functional and modern world.

Centre Panel

After years of developing renaissance innovations, modern days have grown efficient, simple and affective ways of communicating. With a touch of a button we can use iPhones, computers, laptops, iPads, and etc to connect with anyone around the globe. We’ve gone from traditional clocks – digital clocks, classical art – minimalist art, new sketches of the anatomy – digital 3D models, learning about critical thinking – using critical thinking in our everyday lives and education,  and the list goes on….  Our world has changed in ways we never could have imaged of, for the better.

Right Panel

With lack of support and resources, sundials and scribes are just the begging of ground breaking ideas. Tired scribes handwriting each copy, un reliable sundials telling our time , and un developed art decorating our walls was what our world looked like before the Renaissance. Society lacked efficiency and modern intelligence, and critical thinking however, without these early thoughts, we would not live in the world we have today.


In the end, the innovators of the lense, printing, and etc, of course made world changing innovations, but they also sparked critical thinking. Critical thinking was a huge variable in each panel. As shown in the right panel critical thinking was yet to be used resulting in a less functional world. Meanwhile once critical thinking was used everyday, our world evolved significantly.  The real ground breaking idea was critical thinking.

My Book

Hey blog!

Over the past few weeks our PLP class have been working on our Sketches Pro skills. We experimented with many different tools and techniques to develop our drawing knowledge! After we learned all about the app, we each made a personal sketchbook to showcase and reflect our drawing growth from beginning to end.

Click below to read my fun book ⬇️ !

Humanities – Middle Ages Reflection

During the past 4 weeks, our class learned all about the feudal system and the crusades. In the first couple weeks, we learned all about Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and the general Middle Ages religious conflict. Already I was extremely intrigued by the barbaric and harsh ways of the time, but this was only an introduction. We each were asked to create two keynote presentations answering the driving question: “How did the quest for power impact peoples lives in the Middle Ages?” The first presentation based on the Feudal System/Middle Ages, and the other about the Crusades.

Not only did I learn many different events during the Middle Ages, but I also learned new tools and feedback to benefit my work. While making my presentations I consistently second guessed my work until I came up with a question for myself that assures my strict standards are being met; “If you were learning about *blank*, and read this work, would you understand and learn from *blank*?” Asking myself the above question helped me filter an understandable, clear, and informational way of writing (overall improving the quality of my writing). 

After submitting both presentations, Ms. Madsen (my Humanities teacher at the time), suggested I adjust my Humanities Learning Plan goal from an accomplished, to an exceeding. This was my first assignment that required no revisions, making me very proud. However, there are always adjustments I can make for future me. behind the Scenes of this project were not as picture perfect. I had waited till the very last minute to complete the project, reflecting poorly on my time management skills. Next time, I will incorporate my planning apps such as Things and Calendar to help set deadlines for myself. This way I will have an organized, and limited stress experience while finishing projects.

Despite the time management bump, this was my proudest work of the semester. I had learned new tools for myself, and  I am proud of the quality and end effort I put into this project.

Keynote Animation Middle Ages Feudal System


See you next time!


My First Winter Exhibition!

Every year PLP hosts 2 exhibitions to showcase our learning surrounding different topics. This 2022 Winter Exhibition was based off all the different themes of Avatar. The grade eights were given ~1 week and half to complete their artifact for the exhibition. However, there were some guidelines:

-Had to be in a box form, or in a box

-Relates to your theme statement

-Answers driving question

While following the above, I went through multiple ideas, and learning curves. I had three total ideas before I came up with my official product. The constant plan changing did indeed drag me slightly behind. Out of these mistakes I learned more about my self, and how I can grow for our next exhibition. The idea I landed on sent the right message, was accurate to what I was imagining, and was something I was proud of. On the other hand, my previous thoughts were un clear, not realistic for our soon due date, and was something I would not be proud to present. Next time, before committing to an idea, I would ask myself 2 questions;

  1. Does it deliver the message I am seeking?
  2. Will I be proud to present this?

If my answers are no, I would re evaluate my thinking before progressing to the next step. By using these steps, I will remain timely and will help me smoothly move forward towards my goal.

 After finishing my box, it was time show off each of my project on the day of exhibition. Each exhibition room was divided based on the theme of your project, and we had from 3:00-5:30 to prepare and set up our set rooms. Luckily, I was placed in a room with many responsible older leaders to help us thrive throughout the exhibition. We all worked well together and were overall very productive with our time. Unlike the making of my box, the exhibition day was smooth with little bumps. As time went on, I grew more experience on how to best describe my thinking and how to present in the most clear manor. Although majority of the Winter Exhibition was a success, next time I will strive to keep focus the entire exhibition rather than having small distractions.

I gained much experience from just my first exhibition, and I am excited for my next!