New beginnings

New beginnings is a project in humanities. It is about New France, fur trade, creating ads, and many other things.

We started with revised seycove ad challenge. We had groups chosen for us. In this project we had to go out, take a picture, and edit it so it looks like an ad for seycove. Here’s what we did:

Next was nature photography practise, we went out to the forest and took some photos based of our topic that we chose before we went out. I chose construction of New France, and took pictures on its topic. We had to edit them right after, so this is what i created:

For our 3rd assignment, we had learning reflection. Teachers were collecting information that we learnt every 2 weeks.

After that, we had a simulation trade. We were given groups of where we were going to be seated with our group. We were having like a real trade back of the New France period. After we had our trade, we had to answer 5 questions. This is the evidence of my work:


Next task was visual pitch. In this one we were explaining what were going to create in our photos.

Next one was new beginning two visuals. That’s where the last task was needed, we created two photos, edited them and handed them in. This were my two photos that i handed in:

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