Bloggers are back!

Welcome back guys! The blogging challenge is officially back and let me tell you, I am incredibly exited! This is my second year doing the blogging challenge and I encourage you all to check out my about page. Today I will be talking all about avatars!

No, not that kind of avatar. This kind of avatar:

That’s me! If you guys have read my about page you should know that for 1, I am a teenager and 2, I love pandas! I wrote a post about them for last years blogging challenge. That is why you see a panda there in my avatar, I just had to include one. I will almost always chose comfort cloths rather than fashion which is why you see my avatar, in a sweater. Not only that but I live in Vancouver, so you know rain. I do wear glasses. I have always been a huge bookworm and turns out reading late at night with a bad lighting source isn’t good for your eyes.

I hope you guys have learned a little something about me and have fun on the blogging challenge! Feel free to comment as I’m always will reply as soon as I can!


Place effecting people

Hi guys! Sorry that it’s been awhile. Today I will be talking all about my newest project about place! I went on a 9 day trip to Alberta to try and answer the question; How does place impact who we are? Before I begin, I would like to say that the view there and the scenery is amazing! But I won’t be talking about it as much in this post. Instead I will be talking about how I made a video about how artists are impacted by place.

Are project was to create a video that answered our driving question through the eyes of our specific group. Mine was artists. Before I could make this video though, there were a few things that I had to do first. The first thing that we did, was create a creative something, whether it was a poem, a song, a short video, a drawing, anything, about how place impact us as individuals and the role that place has played in my life. Then we continued to do that except rather than make it about ourselves, we looked at how place impacts other people. I decided to write a paragraph reflection on how Bison are effected by the reintroduction project in 2013 through a social lens.

And just like that, we were off! Going on a 9 day trip, 216 hours, 12,960 minutes! That right there, is schooling at its finest. Now, while we were on this trip we had to do something called a daily note. This was basically a daily question that we kept in  kind for the day and wrote a reflection on at the end of it. I really enjoyed this because it helped narrow my focus a little to make me understand the kind of shots that I wanted to take. By this I mean that every photo or video that I took on the trip, could be used in my video. This means that everywhere we went was an opportunity and that 5here was really no room for slacking off.

One of these places that I went to, that 8 personally really enjoyed was an event called Beakerhead. Beakerhead is an event that focuses on combing and expressing science and art. This for me, was a jackpot. The place was full of amazing art and artists and I got to see some amazing things. For example, I managed to get in a few interviews with the people there. The day we went was for the “ Spectral Illuminations”. This was literally a light show of art, and since we went at night, it was absolutely incredible!

Finally, I had enough materials to create my video. This took many drafts and a lot of consideration. I had a time limit for my video but I had a lot of information to fit into 4 minutes. After many hours of working, getting feedback and improving my video I finally came to a product that where I answered the driving question, and that I am proud of. So without further stalling, here it is!

Math games!

Hi guys! Today I will be talking all about math! I know right? So exciting! Well, that wasn’t entirely sarcasm. More specifically I will be talking about a math game that I made for school. This was defiantly one of the better projects that I had for school and was very fun to do! Let’s get into it!

Our assignment was to create game that used the laws of exponents, without requiring the players to use a calculator to do the math. In order to do this we were put into partners an I got the amazing Asha! We created a game called plot twist that was a very basic visualization of exponent equations. Here are the rules:

We got plenty of class time and we restarted our game 5 of 6 times with many, many drafts. Finally we came up with a product and presented it to a different class getting them to try our game. Everyone either loved it, or hated it and there wasn’t a lot of people who had an opinion in between. I thought that it was interesting but I’m glad that the majority liked our game and more importantly, understood how to play it. This assignment really tested my knowledge about exponents and really made me think about how to convey that knowledge to people who know nothing about it in a fun and engaging way.

Before we started this project I did have a little bit of knowledge on what exponents were but I still needed to do more work to understanding how they worked. In order to do that I developed a few questions on what I needed to know. Both on what exponents are, and how to do this project. These were called the need to know questions. After this project I know understand how exponents work on a much deeper level than if I were given worksheets. This project also helped me improve my ability to explain something to another person, who had little to no knowledge about it.

In conclusion, I think that this was a great opportunity that really stretched my imagination and made me think. It was a great way to learn about exponents and get an chance to incorporate a little fun!



Hi guys, this post is all about Tpols (Transitionary Presentation Of Learning). If you remember my earlier post on Mpols,  you’ll see that it was me reflecting on my learning during around the middle of the school year. This is the same thing except it’s a reflection of the year as a whole, and kinda seeing if I did the things that I said I would do during Mpols.


I think that I could have done better with handing things in on time but I can see that I have improved since Mpols. I know after DI, I started to realize what I was doing that didn’t work, so I was defiantly trying to work on my communication. I think I can still work on this especially with the teachers so that we have a mutual understanding of where I am as a learner. The main thing that we did in Humanities was learning about the history of New France, colonization, and learning about Shakespeare’s, The Tempest. The final project for this ended up being a display of tableau’s that we used to represent events in history while using the characters from “The Tempest.”

I really liked this project because it had to do with acting and theatre which are things that I really like, I do Pantos and stuff in the winter. So I was really surprised with how nervous I was on the actual day of the performance. I’m usually ok with things like that so it seemed really out of the blue. Because of that I fumbled my lines and it was kind of embarrassing. I realize now, that it was probably because I was performing in front of people I know, rather than strangers, who I am ok with. However, this made me realize that I want to take more risks and put myself out there more. This will help me be more creative and better at speaking in front of people. I also want to have more confidence in what I say including, especially, when speaking in class.


This is the class that I had problems with handing things in on time. I do believe that the quality of the work didn’t go down but I didn’t hand things in on time which is a problem that I still need to work on. The main thing that we focussed on in Maker that I would like to mention is Blue sky, a project that we are working on for the winter exhibition. Blue sky is basically where student individually chose a problem they or someone else has and they make a product in order to fix that problem. It is a display or creativity, innovation, and invention. I really like doing Blue sky however I found that following the exact steps and handing everything in was not up my ally. For blue sky, I am making a app that basically makes people laugh. I started off by focussing on homework with teens, then it went to stress, and somehow ended up being a stress reliever using laughter. I’m not going to talk to much about this because the Exhibition hasn’t passed yet, and I still need to improve on my product.










Scimatics is like a sometimes ok, sometimes not ok class for me. This is because it is 2 classes in one. I am perfectly fine with math. I’d like to think that I am smart when it comes to math, and a fast learner in that aspect. I am not as great when it comes to science because it is mostly about memorization and knowing your facts. I think that science is very interesting and useful though so I am conflicted about whether or not I can say that I’m putting my best into learning. We are learning about light and how it works so we did a eyeball dissection. I really liked the eyeball dissection that we did a few days ago because I found it interesting and a hands on way to learn that makes it easier to remember things by. I am ok with gore so I started to consider whether or not I wanted to be a surgeon, and then I scraped the idea because of how much work and pressure that surgeons have especially since people lives can count on them. At any rate, since Mpols I have worked on my attention span in Scimatics and I dare say it has improved. Part of the reason for this is probably because we had so many substitutes. Not to say anything about not paying attention just because Mr.Thomas is teaching. He is a great teacher and makes material sound very interesting.







I will be honest when I say that I do not like PGP. The only reason for that though, is because it is a course that is outside the time table. For someone like me, who has horrible time management skills, and hands things late with classes from inside the timetable anyways, PGP is like a nightmare. I will tell you though, and genuinely, I like what is taught in PGP. I think that we are taught things that are lifelong skills, and are very useful. The 7 habits for example are a great example of this. They are skills, that once you learn them, they will be with you forever. Which is the main reason that PGP is a great class. When we first started learning about it though, I thought it was kind of funny how close the things taught and shown, were so close to my moms usual speech for improving yourself. Putting that aside, I want to talk about the time machine (link). I actually managed to hand this in on time and get it done. However, you can see that I only handed in the final product which makes me a little disappointed in myself. This is because in my Mpols I specifically said that I would work on handing in drafts. I remembered that I said this, and had actually wrote my lyrics out and could have handed it in… and then I noticed a spelling mistake. So I went back, fixed it… then I noticed something was off tempo. So I went back fixed it… then I noticed  something else was wrong. So I was actually doing the drafting process, I just didn’t show that to the teachers and that’s what makes me disappointed. However, I was still happy with my final product, a song that I wrote;


I think I will defiantly still work on handing in drafts to show my growth and keeping contact with my teachers and parents. Honestly, I just need to extend the growth that I did since Mpols and continue to work on my skills that I mentioned above; Communication, Organization, and knowing when to stop. I can become very invested in things, and lose interest just as quickly.


Colonizing in a tempest


For school, we did a project called colonizing in a tempest. This was where we used tableaus to show our understanding of the historical significance of colonizing to answer our driving question; How can we use Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” and the history of New France to stage dramatic tableaus that help an audience understand the lasting effects of colonization? Wow, that is really long. Ok so how did we do this?

Well, we started off by first learning what tableaus actually were. For those of you who do not know, tableau’s are a group of motionless people who are staged in poses to represent a scene from history, a story, etc. We were put into groups where we chose a random line from a poem, and showed it in a tableau that we came up with on the spot. The lines used were from some of Shakespeares works. This ended up being a really fun way for us to familiarize ourselves with Shakespearian language, what tableaus were, and the people that we would be working with for the next while.

Next we learned the history and the play. This was not my favourite part of the process, however I think that it was really helpful and important aspect of learning. For this, each day we watched on Act of the tempest, and since there are 5 Acts, it took us 5 days. While we watched we did something called active reading and pre-readings. The pre-readings are these pages that we read before we watched the act. It was kind of like a Summary of the Act before we watched it. It also had definitions of words that we might not understand. The Active readings were these small activities that we did while watching the play. It was 1, to make sure that we were actually paying attentions and doing work, but it also helped us pick out words and phrases that we could use when we were staging our tableaus. Honestly, I think that the active readings were a hassle and just extra work but I do admit that it helped me understand the language that was used and made me process what was going on in real time, rather than going back after and breaking down what I had seen so understood it.

While we were watching the play, we also learned about the history of New France, and the important aspects such as why people wanted to colonize it in the first place (God, Glory, Gold), and why they stayed. This was mainly about how the Europeans colonized New France, treated the First Nation, started the beaver trade and businesses, created conflicts, and ended up solving those conflicts with a whole bunch of treaties, such as the treaty of Paris. It was quite interesting and at times hard to keep up. One of the more interesting things that I found, was that even thought the Europeans acted culturally superior to the First Nation, they still relied heavily on them in order to survive.


Finally we got together with our group and created the tableaus by writing and mesmerizing our lines, creating backdrops, animations, costumes, music, and rehearsing a whole lot of times. We brought all the knowledge together and presented it in front of a audience. Here is our end result!

Overall this was a really fun and educational experience, and I learned a lot more then I thought I could. A main part of this was because I really like theatre, and acting and I think it’s a really good way to teach kids. As such I would like to end end with a big THANK YOU to both my teacher; Mr. Hughes, and Mrs. Willemse!

Time Machine

Hi guys, Today I am talking about something I made that is called a time machine. This was for a school project where I had to make a product that I would send back in time to my younger self and it would help me with things that I might have had trouble with before. We did this in a class called PGP which revolves around goal setting, improving productivity, and improving your overall self. PGP has helped me improve the things that I struggled with and I wish that I’d known about it sooner. I decided to make a song regarding what we had learned this year and what I could do with it.

The first thing that I did was make a brainstorm of all the things that I needed to include in my song and figure out how my song would over all sound like. So I started with finding out what rhythms sounded good and which one would best fit for if I wanted to give information. As such I chose to do a pop sounding song.

Why don’t I tell you about what I included in the song. The main things that I am talking about have to do with goal setting and productivity. To do this I also mentioned the 7 habits that were from a book my class read earlier this year. This was about how to become productive by practicing the following habits. 1. Be proactive 2. begin with the end in mind 3. Put first things first 4. Think win-win 5. Think first to understand then to be understood 6. Synergise and finally, 7. Sharpen the saw.

The next thing that I did was actually write the song. This was the hardest part because I had to make sure things actually sounded like a song while being able to convey the things that I want the audience to know. I am really proud of the lyrics because I think that they sound good and not only include what I said they would, but I’m telling somewhat of a story and making it easier to understand. One of my more favorite lines in this song is “Next up is four with a mind for the win, just be positive and think win-win that’s all you gotta do though it’s harder then it sounds. You can do it! Do your best! I believe in you!” I like this line because it is talking about the 4th habit (from the book “7 habits if highly effective teens) which is “think win-win” and I think that how it was encouraging at the end emphasizes that aspect. I also like how I put Number 4 first and then I wrote number 3 after because its kind of like a pun. Number 3 is to put first things first but since I put 4 before 3 it contradicts what the 3rd habit is.

I think that I effectively conveyed the things that I wanted to. In the lyrics you can hear the 7 habits, how to use them and why they are helpful it also tells you how you use goal setting and I think that it is also one of the main focuses because it is mentioned in the chorus. Also, although I didn’t directly mention productivity I think that it is a general idea that I have set around the whole song using words like “ hopes and dreams”,  “take the wheel drive yourself”, “more effective”. This is because in my opinion, the 7 habits are the stepping stones to being productive.


Provincial reflection

Provincial reflection

Mechanica, team and instant challenge

My team: Meg(me), Anders, Anthony, Ryan, Brenton, Ally                   

Full performance


Provincial Reflection

We had our provincial tournament at a different time and place as the regional tournament so we had time to try and fix the things that didn’t work out in the regionals. However, the time that we got was mostly occupied by spring break. This meant that the times when every member of our group was available was rare. However, we had at least 3 people at every meeting and we managed to get things done. We first looked at our raw scores which were given to us after the regionals. We then decided the main things that we needed to work on: the payload, the story, and the team choice elements. For our team choice elements we decided that we wanted to build a music rover that can help with transportation and giving a more dramatically portrayal. To do this we used some of the left over wood that one of our group members had, and turned it into a frame. Then, making sure to test it so it can hold our weight, we added cardboard to be the exterior because we didn’t have enough wood and it was easier that way. We then painted the cardboard and found a speaker we could use. All that was left was transportation.  


Team Challenge

Our first challenge that we presented was, like the regionals, the team challenge, this was definitely not our best. There were a lot of things that didn’t turn out as we wanted and a lot of things failed to come through last minute. Our drone broke when we got to the gym to perform, and while we were performing, we forgot to use one of our team choice elements.

The Negatives

       So, what happened that made our performance so bad? Well first of all, our drone broke. Now this, to me, is pretty ironic because in the regionals our drone worked, while the payload did not, however this time the drone didn’t but our payload did. This is a problem because we then had to break one of our set pieces so that we could get a score. We designated one person who was originally going to control the drone, to fan what we had and get payloads to drop in the designated area. However this meant that the prop that we used to fan our drone would touch the drone meaning that even though we got the payload to work, for each successful drop, if the fan touched the drone, that drop wouldn’t count to be successful.

We also didn’t use one of our team choice elements. This was simply do to stress and the fact that we were rushing. We had created this awesome rover that played music and could be ridden. However we forgot to play the music from the rover and we only used the rover for transportation once. What else didn’t work? Well because one of the people in group had to fan the done, we couldn’t get him to say his lines and that part that we had rehearsed meaning that there was a huge gap in our performance. Our walk-in talkie, that was used as a prop, turned on “backstage” and made a loud sound during the performance. The last things that went wrong was that we forgot one of our backdrop because everyone thought that someone else had brought it, YAAAY.

The Positives

        What’s the bright side to all of this? Well, our second team choice element did in fact work and the audience seemed to be very impressed with it. The second team choice element was a backdrop that lit up and had coordinated lights to turn on and off at different times. This was something that i personally was very proud of because i was the one who made the lights stay in the backdrop and got it to work. We managed to get someone to buy us a huge sheet that was used as the second backdrop just to cover up what was happening backstage. Everyone remembered there lines! This isn’t something that went wrong last time, but it was something i was worried about because the script kept getting changed even up to the last minute. The performance was dragged on a bit by our narrator though, in order to give time for the payloads to finish. The appraisers, or the “judges” were nice enough to give us extra time when they realized that we had encountered a problem and thanks to that we managed to calm down a little more and get our heads in the game. To top it all off, we won 3rd place! I’m 99% sure this is because we won the instant challenge however this is still something that I can say I did. I’m not necessarily proud of the result, i think we could have done better but given our performance of our time management skills, and teamwork I’m just happy we got what we did.

Teamwork and Time Management

        Speaking of which, our teamwork!  I think that it was better than before the regionals, but still not great. The main reason for this was that not all of us was at every meeting this meant that with less people, it was easier to work together. It was also Spring break so using our free time it was a great opportunity to get things done, and those who couldn’t come because they were on vacation, couldn’t come. We still needed to work on our communication skills, or else we wouldn’t have forgot the backdrop and our performance would have been  a lot better. Rather than the teamwork, the thing that really improved from regionals was probably our time management skills. We definitely realized how quickly the clock tick away and helped us prioritize our need more which helped be a lot more efficient. We created things called burn down chart to help show our progress.

The burn down chart help us show how much we have done and how much we still need to do for each project. We organized the burn down charts by what we needed to prioritize and then broke down those priorities making it a efficient way to organize, and reorganize who does what and how it gets done.



All in all we definitely made a lot of improvements from regionals but we also failed to shine in other areas. When doing DI again next year I will definitely ask for a different group to work with (or a mix with new people) and possibly a different challenge.

you can view our script here.

Destination imagination

Who knows what Destination Imagination is?


Hi guys, I’m back again and today I am going to be talking about something amazing called Destination Imagination, DI for short. DI is basically WEday for students. It’s a event where people gather from all over and show off their knowledge by performing a solution to a specific challenge. The challenge is given out before the days of presenting so the faster you learn what the challenges are, the sooner you can start working on them. Every year there are around 5 “team challenges” which are challenges given with a required criteria but enough space for creativity, that you can personalize. And differentiate your solution from others. The 7 team challenges fall under the following categories; scientific, engineering, improv, fine arts, and technical which I was in.

The technical challenge this year was to build an aircraft that could fly and drop 5 payloads. This would be presented by a story that we made about exploring an unknown place, and bringing out a featured character. If that wasn’t enough, we were also tasked with including 2 team choice elements which were used to show off our own individual talents and passions. There were 6 people in my group: Ally, Anders, Anthony, Brenton, Ryan, and me (link names). There are 3 different tournaments in DI. The first one, Regionals, is the only one that we have competed in so fa. The next level is the provincial tournament, and finally the globals. Today I will talk about how my group came up with a solution, how we worked together, and what I would have wanted to do differently if I were to do this again.

Our first challenge that we presented was the team challenge, this went slightly better than the dress rehearsal before the performance, which in my opinion, still wasn’t that great. There were a lot of things that didn’t turn out as we wanted however, I would definitely say that we did a pretty good job considering our circumstances. The audience did laugh along to some of the jokes we made and everyone seemed to enjoy the overall performance that we put up.

The aircraft

So the type of aircraft that my group (Mechanica) originally planned to build was a quadcopter drone. This was what we stuck with until about a week before the Regional tournament. At that point my group realized that we didn’t have all of the materials to build a drone, and that we shouldn’t rely on them coming. As such, Anders took charge and decided that I’d we were going to have a product to compete with we needed a different approach then the one we took. So, we changed from building a drone to building a blimp. We got together and decided that if we were going to turn in a final product we needed to get our act together.

The people who were more interested in technical aspects took over. We used helium balloons to lift our aircraft and got motor attached to a receiver and connector that could be controlled by a remote. This made it so that all we had to do was attach the motors and receiver to the helium balloons so that we had a flying aircraft. The next challenge was making sure that the aircraft was still maneuverable and could be controlled with ease. This was important for the payload drops. If it wast easy to maneuver, then we would lose point for not getting the payloads to drop where we wanted them to.

The payload

Next we had the payload. This wasn’t something that I personally worked on although I did have a suggestion of one way to drop the payloads.

It wasn’t a completed idea and there were many holes in the plane so it was dropped quickly. Instead we used electro magnets. In simple terms this is were there are 2 magnets that connect to each other, and when we punch a button, they basically stop being magnetic. To do this we had tin bowls as are drop and attached coins that were magnetic to them. The we had our divine that used electricity to connect to the magnetic. When we stopped the electric flow, we also stopped the magnets ability to connect to each other. The problems that we had with this was that whenever we did a demonstration it would fail, for multiple reasons. One of the main ones was the fact that the battery was never charged. This meant that we didn’t have any electricity to begin with so it was difficult to start it. The second reason was that the wires didn’t connect. This was the problem we had the day of he regional tournament. The wires kept disconnecting and we had to keep trying to solder them. In the end it didn’t work and we presented our story without our payload. This meant that we hadn’t completed the challenge and we lost a lot of points because of it. We did however talk to the appraisers and told them what was supposed to happen, how we achieved that and what went wrong with what we did, and finally what we could do next time to fix our mistake.


The story

Our story was one of the better aspects of our solution. The story was the typical crash landing on a planet and we ran out of food. In order to find food, we sent people (including me) out to explore the recharge of our ship to see if we could find a battery for our radio. If we could fix our radio then we could contact earth and get supply drop. However, on our way to the recharge there was a lot of bad weather and we took shelter in this cave. In this cave there are these strange crystals. One of the people there touches the crystal and collapses. The remaining one, realizing the crystal contains energy, grabs it and runs back to the camp. The remaining explorers shave down the crystal and fix the radio. They contact earth and get supply drops. At this point we had to improvise because we didn’t have our payload drop. So we sent our aircraft but since nothing dropped we were left to starve. During the time that the aircraft took to get to the planet where we were stranded, we managed to revive the guy who fainted.

Our story and performance itself could have been better but we added some jokes and the audience laughed at them so I felt pretty proud. I was the featured character and was the only female actor in our little skit. I was also the person in charge of making the backdrop and most of the props, though I got help, and I would defiantly say that the turned out pretty good. It took a lot of work to make some of the props and backdrops, and some of them we didn’t end up using but I still had a lot of fun making them.


Team choice elements

The team choice elements that we did could have been better. The first one that we did was the music. One member in our group could play the trumpet so i recorded him play and fixed it so that it replayed itself. I also used a little auto tune. The song that he played was called space Odyssey. I had actually created an original song for this team choice element, but even I didn’t like the way that it sounded so we went with the recorded version.

This is the version that I recorded my group member doing, of space odyssey:

And this is the song that I created but I don’t really like, i accidentally deleted.

The second team choice element was originally a chemical reaction of earthier elephant toothpaste or vinegar and backing soda. We had a cool contraption that was a box that fell away when we pulled a lever. We were going to use it when our team member went near the crystal so that it was his cue to faint.


This wasn’t what we did though. This is something that I really regret because we had the whole thing ready to work and got everything together for the regional tournament. However, on the day of the tournament, the rest of the group had apparently decided that we weren’t going to use it. Instead we got a backdrop that was made using spray paint. This got us a lot less points then we could have and i thought that it was very unoriginal, even though every team needed a backdrop. It did however look very cool and I appreciated the fact that it was made.


Concluding things

Before I finish thing off i would just like to state the fact that our teams ability to communicate and work together was absolutely horrible. I think that if we spent more time trying to get along then we might have done better overall in creating a solution and dividing up the work. I found it really annoying when our group members started to blame each other for things that went wrong even when it wasn’t there fault, and even if it was they could have been more supportive of what they had actually done instead of looking at what they hadn’t. Some people started rumours about other team members and some group members directly told people to their face that they sucked and were being quite rude and blatant when in reality it was they themselves that scrapped all of this team members work. We did however manage to pull it together in the last few hours before our performance.

Here’s the final product:



The end of the world!

Hi guys! I’m back again today to talk about our project “its the end of the world.”  For this project we were talking about how are worldview has shifted, or was challenged during the transition into high school. I talked about worldview in my post “explain everything” and we used that knowledge for this project. Our final product ended up being a rewritten song of “its the end of the world as I know it” and we did this using the 7 aspects of worldview; knowledge, economy, society, beliefs, values, time, and geography.

However, lets not forget how we got to the song:

The first thing that we did after learning what the assignment was, was to create a list of things that we already know, what we need to know, and some goals that we may have. (Photo and add on from school board). This was surprisingly interesting because most of the questions asked related to “why do we have to sing??!” ( ohh the horror). Of course, our teacher responded with a smart sounding answer that made since and that was left as that. ( finish at school with actual board)

While we were talking about finding what we know and what we didn’t, we were also tasked to read a book called “the book of the lion” and we created role sheets that were like a check in on the book. ( picture of role sheets with explanation). To be honest, I didn’t like this book because even though the author did a good job of setting the theme, and feel of the book, I found that the writing jumped from topic to topic making it confusing to read at times. I would however, recommend this book to history lovers, and people who are ok with gory description. The book itself was about a peasant who entered the crusade on Jerusalem and try’s to fight or he would have been killed. The actual content was interesting, but I wouldn’t say that this book is for me.












the book did a great job of conveying what the peasants worldview was at the start of the book, and how it changed as he experienced alll of these things. In order to understand our understanding and thoughts in this book, we wrote a short paragraph on eaither the Christians (who the peasant was fighting for) or the Muslims (who were living in jurusilim at the time). I talked about the Christians perspective on the crusades, and what I thought would happen because of the after math.




One thing that I thought was interesting, was when we made a Venn Diagram about things that shifted in our worldview, was that when we were comparing what we thought, to what our peers thought, we stated specific examples, and we had a common understanding of what was different and what had changed. However, when we compared that to what experts said, they focussed on specifically one example of worldview, and did a whole bunch of research on that one specific thing. I understand why but it was still interesting to me.

the next thing that we did was probably one of my favourites things, and I have mentioned it in earlier posts. We made a mind node about each of the 7 aspect of worldview, and examples of things that have changed from the transition into high school. As I have said before, this type of brain storming. Works very well for me. I realized that I knew more then I thought about worldview, and I was abale to go into a lot of detail about the things that effect me and my peers regarding worldview. One thing that I realized after talking to my classmates about this project, was that I was focussed on going into a lot of detail that I missed some of the simpler, more obvious things