
EDU week 10

If you have been following me for the past couple of months you would know that I have been participating in the EDU blogging challenge. If you havent I will link all the challenges bellow.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

At first I was a bit confused at why I had to complete all of these and what I was going to gain from them. The first 3 challenges I didn’t feel particularly interested in or gained anything from. Then getting more into the challenges I started to feel like I was gaining knowlage from them. I enjoyed doing week 5 because I was able to show what I like in music and and show my playlists.My best post was definitely week 7 which I did on photography. I put a lot of effort in as its something I’m genuinely passsionate about. My worst week was week 4 emojis, as I just didn’t have any passion for it and struggled to do it. At the end I now under stand why I had to do this. My teacher wanted us to learn more about blogging skills and connecting with others around the globe.  I hope to participate again next year!

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