Why WWI Began

Why WWI Started

Many scholars have debated why WWI started. These debates started as early as the 1940. For the last week I have been thinking about my own reason WWI started and here it is, WWI started because Germany wanted to imperialism on the trade in the Balkans and they wanted to become a world power because they feared isolation. Instead of writing or making an explain everything or even a rap about this topic I decided to change things up and make a movie with my classmateMatthew Seed about this topic. I hope you enjoy.


How We Made It

There’s a lot more that goes it a movie than one would think. So this is how Matthew and I made our movie. Matthew and I started with a kinda scene to scene overview of what would happen.

-Scene1:- Germany starts building up power to become a world power because they feared isolation.

They can say something like “let’s build up our navy so we don’t get isolated.”

Scene2:-all the countries start throwing shade at each other(dis track) and they all get made and separate

Scene3:- they all start mobilizing their armies

And every country gets scared

Scene4:- Franz Ferdinand gets shot

Scene5:- Germany tries to become a world power and attacks France because they felt isolated by Russia and the surrounding countries in the Balkans

Scene6:- wwI just started

Yea so what do we show? Like maybe something about the fighting? We could do a final dis track or show everyone start fighting.

Then after we got the main ideas we went into a script. The script was the most difficult part in my opinion because we had make historically accurate information and still get the point across. I believe me and Matthew did a pretty good job at this.


Scene 1

Germany: Let us build up our army and navy, ya?

Background Germans: Ya

Germany: To avoid isolation ya?

Background Germans: Ya. What about the Balkan trade don’t we want in. we don’t want those Serbs and Slavs getting all the money.

Germany: Ya that too.

Scene 2

Narrator: The German Kaiser William the 2nd sets out to talk to the world leaders.

Serbia: Yo Austria guess what?

Austria: What?

Serbia: You’re stupid with your 2 kings. We hate you (Gestures to map of Balkans)

Beat drops

Austria: Oh yea?

I’m your ruler I run these streets

But that’s obvious when I spit on these beats

Having two kings is better than one

And when we kill you it will be so much fun


You ain’t gonna with those lame ass rhymes

They’re so bad they should be a crime

Trust me the black hand won’t be so kind

And your dumb ass kings can kiss my behind


Guys stop fighting

This isn’t the right thing

This is getting to heated

I don’t wanna be defeated

Can’t we all just be friends

I want this to end

Bead swirls out

Everyone calms down

Scene 3

Narrator: everyone was worried and all the countries,sss started building their armies. Especially Germany who were ready to mobilize at any moment.

Text: Sarajevo

Franz: what a lovely day to get shot. Only kidding haha

Princip: haha

Gun shots

Narrator: Austria Hungary knew exactly who did this it was the black hand. The Kaiser decided to attack France through Belgium (to make sure they didn’t get attacked from that side) which brought Britain into the fray. And at this point ww1 truly began.

After this came the reality easy part just had to film and edit.

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