The Day North Korea Became North Korea!


South Korea is in the spotlight right now with the Olympic Games going on. But what about North Korea? Right before the Olympic Games all everyone was talking about was North Korea and their missile threats to the U.S and South Korea. North Korea wasn’t always like this. It has only been for the last 80ish years. What happened you might ask? Well what happened is that Kim il sung founded what was called the Korean Workers Party in 1946 and ruled as a internal president until 1996. After his son Kim jong il took over until he died and then his son Kim jong un took over and is still presently leading the country. I’m going to talk about why Kim Il sung becoming the leader changed our would.


To look at one single event like a historian you need to break it into 6 main factors. To figure out why something is historical and why it impacted our world.

Historical Significance 

More often than not people know what is history but they don’t know why we get taught it. That is where historical significance comes handy. We determine is something is historically significant looking at three main factors.

1.) How notable was the event at the time.

2.) How wide spread and lasting the consequences of the event was.

3.) If the event became symbolic or representative of key historical issues and trends.

When we look at what is historically significant of Kim il sung’s start of North Korea we think about those three things. Firstly this event was notable at the time. Prior to the start Korean Workers Party, Korea was informally divided into 2 sections after the Second World War. The south was in control by the U.S and the North was in control by the soviets. Kim il sung starting this Party was notable at the time because it was really was caused the Korean War. Secondly the consequences of this event can be seen almost 80 years later. We see still the same family. Control as a direct consequence of the Korean Workers Party. Thirdly this event has become somewhat symbolic in North Korea because it highlights Kim il sung, who birthday is celebrated as the start of the the world to North Korea. In the rest of the world the year is 2018 in North Korea it is 105, because that is how long ago Kim il sung was born.

Evidence and Interpretation 

Determining what happen a long time ago can be difficult. However that’s what the second main concept is used for. Evidence and interpretation is used to see what really happen back then using primary and secondary sources. Again you have three main concepts

1.) Can we trust the source of information?


2.) Do the sources provide evidence that is relevant to the questions we are trying to answer?


3.) Does the evidence support the interpretation offered?



When we look at the Evidence and interpretation of this event it is difficult to say what truly happened. This is because North Korea does not disclose a lot of information about this topic.
When seeing weather or not we can trust information of this event, you take a look at primary and secondary sources. We can look at what went down of the day based off of a average of what both sources say. Typically the sources do provide evidence that is relevant to this event because, primary sources lived during the “birth” of North Korea. Also secondary sources took information of what what happened at took a new perspective of it.

Continuity and Change 

The third thing a historian looks at when depicting a historical event is the continuity and change over time. what this means is what is the overall impact today. Like the previous two there are main aspects that we have to look at.

1.) How have things stay the same? And how have they changed?

2.) Where the changes negative or positive?

3.) How rapid or slow where the changes?

4.) Did it mark a turning point in history?


Similarly when looking at the change we go through the factors. Things in North Korea have stayed the same. In the sense that it is still in complete family control. Although it has changed when somewhat because it is no longer Kim il sung in charge. While determining if the changes where negative or positive it depends on who you ask. While America might see the changes negatively, Russia or North Korea might see them positively. The changes that resulted from the Korean Workers Party where quite rapid because it lead to Kim il sung becoming the leader. Also it definitely marked a turning point in history because it changed the way the world looked at North Korea.

Cause and Consequence 

Another important thing historians think about while looking at past historical events is the Cause and consequence the event had. Again there are main factors we look at.

1.) The range of factors contributing to the event.

2.) What was the most influential cause?

3.) what were the unintended and intended consequences?


There were many contributing factors to why Kim il sung became the self proclaimed president of North Korea. The main one being the divide between South Korea (in U.S control) and North Korea (in soviet control). The most influential cause from Kim il sung becoming the founder of North Korea was the complete family control he had. Unlike many places in the world North Korea is in totalitarian control. One of the main Intended consequence from this was like I just said to become in complete control. An unintended consequence was for South Korea and North Korea going to war. They went to war because South Korea did not want to be a part of the Korean Workers Party

Historical Perspective 

The fifth thing you need to look when taking a historical lens is His historical perspective. This basically means that we have to take a historical perspective of the event we’re looking at,
not the perspective that we usually look at past events.

1.) Using the values of the time that the event took place to interpret It.

2.) Are the interpretations representative of the believes, practises and values at the time?


When looking at North Korea beginnings the people did allow Kim il sung to become the president. This is because their values reflected of what the soviet valued. So the N.Korean people did not mind the complete control at the time. For the second part of historical perspective the beliefs and values where represented for the same reason.

Ethical Judgement

The last thing historian look at when looking at past events is ethical judgement. The basic premise following this is was it right or fair for this to happen?

1.) Are there any ethical judgments?
– clear praise or blame

2.) Do the judgements consider?
– the interest of key groups
– the beliefs at the time

While looking at North Koreas ethical judgement it really depends who you ask. Most people not in N.Korea don’t find the dictatorship very ethical. Although if you look at it through the lens of a citizen they might see it differently. The people of North Korea now days most don’t mind or openly mind about the complete control. However back in the day most people where on board with what was going on.

I always thought history was the the study of the past. Well that’s the denotation, but many people have a connotation that’s different. A wise person once said without history we are nothing, and after studying in depth about history I have shifted my connotation on the word. History has never been my most favourite thing to study, although after learning that there’s so much more to it than I thought it’s got a little cooler. If we take in count all of the six factors we can understand why something are in a history book and somethings aren’t. That’s the cool part history literally is the study of the past, but when we break it down it’s so much more than that..

Tsk Tsk Tsk

The Rant

The infamous Macbeth movie project, I remember saying, “but never the less I would never want to repeat anything like this”.  Later I thought maybe said if we tried this thing again it would end better… that was very stupid and naive of me. When ms Willemse and mr Hughes announced that we would be doing this project again I didn’t really know what to say. With the Macbeth movie we had 1 month at least to finish the project but this time we had 17 days to complete a horror movie on practically zero budget.

The thing that really grinds my gears here is while we could have been preparing for a provincial exam worth 40 percent of our grade, we instead as a class spent countless hours outside of school time to do some stupid project that literally teaches us nothing. Literally the only two things I learned during this hell week was how repeating the same thing and expecting a different result is insane, and I also learned how projects like this is why PLP is a joke. I have typically had fun times and learned a lot during PLP. But I honestly think this is stupid. There’s a saying that you teach from experience- I would like to see Ms Willemse and mr Hughes and all the other teachers collaborate together and make a movie in just over two weeks. When that becomes even more of a massive failure then ours, I would like an apology from you two saying that our movie “wasn’t a waste of time.”

For better words this whole movie was a waste of time. Another thing is I don’t get how you guys can be so cold hearted that when we show you all are hard work that you said that you guys would not be commenting on our production. That is absolutely ridiculous. Okay it’s true that some of the class didn’t really participate in the movie as much as they maybe should have but for the people that were there everyday and put 60 or more hours into this film it’s appalling for you guys to say that your not even going to comment. I don’t even see how it’s remotely fair for you guys to fire Jackson and zak as directors before we even show you guys the first draft JUST 10 days after you guys announced the project.

The Process

Anyways I’m done ranting I don’t really care forgive and forget. I’ll now talk about how it was made. I’m going to do this in a step by step process in chronological order on how the movie was made.

Step 1. We as a class came up with the main idea of what we thought we could do.

Step 2. Everyone in the class filled a survey to see what role we would have. I filled in the art director.

(As a art director me and Anatolia were in charge of how the actually scene looked and not just the props. Wikipedia explains the role as art director as such “It is the charge of a sole art director to supervise and unify the vision. In particular, the art director is in charge of the overall visual appearance and how it communicates visually, stimulates moods, contrasts features, and psychologically appeals to a target audience. The art director makes decisions about visual elements used, what artistic style to use, and when to use motion.”)

Step 3. Get shut down by Hughes and Willemse and they make the movie plot into what they think we could achieve.

Step 4. Write the story/story board. (personally I think this is where a lot of are time was wasted. Because nobody wanted to follow the story board)

Step 5. Film the movie

Step 6. Edit the movie

Step 7. Review the movie and be told that we have to practically restart

Step 8. Film some more

Step 9. Edit some more

Step 10. The movie is done

Things that went wrong

The whole process took long and I think everyone was hoping that we would be at step 9 a lot earlier so we would have time to edit and film more things. Also another big thing that went wrong is that we had two directors with two different visions. I think it would have been a lot better if we only had one director. But I think the biggest thing that went wrong would be that everyone kinda fought with the directors vision. What I mean by this is that the directors had a vision and everyone that was so to speak not important would give suggestions on how they thought the vision of the film should go in.

My Role

My role as the art director:

I think me and Anatolia did a really good job as art directors, we did add a lot to the movie. At the end when we where just filming and didn’t need new location or props I took a new role. I wasn’t happy with how slow production was so I helped Marley with cinematography and helped with directing a little bit on the last day. Overall I’m happy with the effort I put in and I think I had a lot to do with the successful parts of the film.


First real blog post of grade 12. I can’t believe I’m this close to the finish line. Just eight more months of high school. Stuff I’m definitely going to miss isn’t the worksheets or even these blog posts the stuff I’m going to miss is how much fun I had making some of these projects in PLP.


It wouldn’t be a PLP assignment if we didn’t spend one full class before the project. Learning what the difference between a satire and a parody. To be honest this was very helpful. Ms. Willemse showed us very good examples of satires.

Not only did we go over the differences we discussed the essentials of a satire. At the beginning of this project, I thought it would be very easy. I WAS VERY WRONG. This assignment kinda goofed me a little. Definitely, the hardest part of the assignment was getting my topic idea.


After some time I finally decided what I was going to do I was going to do a weather show trying to disprove global warming. I choose this because what a satire does (definition) is pinpoint something wrong with society and use humor to spark change in our society.


What I learned


Well I believe I learned two thing

1- You judge an assignment by its cover. (but seriously I thought this assignment would be super easy because I have made lot’s of parodies before) I learned very quickly that this task was more difficult then I thought it would be.




2- When you start something finish it (Halfway through filming my video I didn’t like my idea anymore and I was going to change it) I’m very glad I stuck with my idea because halfway through editing my video I thought it was very well done for the amount of time we had for the project.

2 legit 2 quit

Grade 11 went by sooooooooo fast like really sooooooo fast. Another year in the PLP program…..good times? The debate exibition wasn’t something I was too exited for. Most people would think ” Nolan your a smart and handsome guy who’s a great speaker you should love debating right?”-an average joe. No wrong Ikinda hate it. But I’ll try to stay positive I like the people I did it with… that’s something right? Anyways in this blog post I’ll break down my experince and what I learned.

Hard work, effort, and thick skinis what you need to produce some amazing projects in PLP. If you want to go through all the steps of what it takes to make a project in PLP you clan actually be proud of what comes out of it, this is no different it. Thursday June 14th Seycove hosted PLPs second exhibition..THE BATTLE DOME and this time our presentation was not at all like the last exhibition we produced. Unlike anything we have before we had to perform a live debate that we could only kinda prepare for. This is PLP 11 is there a point of doing it if it’s average apparently.

Everything we did leading up to the exhibition, Lord of the Flies, government, current events… got us ready for the exhibition. Also, Ms Maxwell prepared us,p. She taught us valuable public speaking skills through practice debating in class and other activities.

All three of the PLP teachers made this debate even more of a big deal  by not telling us our debate topics only until two minutes before we got up to debate, so you had to be ready for anything. The preparation process was crucial,  nobody wanted to look clueless up in front of everyone.

The debate was structured into three rounds, and everyone would at least debate twice. There was a losers bracket and of course a winners bracket. If you won first you would then move on to the semi finals, and then to the finals if you won again. My group made it all the way to the final round.

Overall, I learned that I HATE debates and it is not at all what I thought it would be like, but on the flip side, I’m glad that I got to do it with my friends because they made it more fun. And even though I don’t like debating, it was fun to do as a class.

Nuclear war?

What do strippers, money, and nuclear war all have in common… Sin City aka Las Vegas. Our class had a chance to go there. No, I’m not going to talk about strippers, and money isn’t the reason why I’m here. I’m here to talk about nuclear war.

This year in PLP are end of the year project was about fear and the assignment was a video essay. So to start, we found out what we wanted to talk about. In my case, it was something to do with the cold war. After, I figured out that I needed to make an essay before my video essay. So in most cases the first step of an essay is your thesis. My thesis was ” what is the point of having nuclear weapons although they have only ever been used once in WWII”. Coming up with this thesis was the hardest part, most of the class struggles with it. It was because of this that not just myself but the entire class fell behind on due dates and sticking to Hughes and Willemse tight schedule. So after I got my thesis, it became a lot easier, and so did the first few drafts of my essay.


After my essay was complete, I had to turn that into a video essay which I found easier than writing the essay itself. I went through my essay, and wrote as well highlighted things and key points that would work well as visuals.

Then I went into the movie making stage. I made the visual essay on iMovie. I went back into the document with the highlighted points and inputed all the visuals into iMovie. After that I used my essay as a script to talk over the visuals. But as you could imagine it sounded very boring. So what I ended up doing was use the information from my essay drafts and made it sound more interesting.

You can take lessons and skills away from everything in life, this project was no different. I learnt that making a video essay is a lot different, because my previous thinking process befor this project was that I could just make an essay and turn it into a video. But in reality, just talking over visuals while quoting your essay is quite boring, so you have to frazzle dazzle it up.


This SLC is a little different. What it is now is a tpol. What tpol stands for is transitional presentation of learning. So practically the TPoL is the set of skills that prepare us for next years of education.

1st skill: Critical Thinking

Why WWI Began

2nd skill: Ability to Stay Cool Under Pressure

Macbeth Video project



3rd skill: Leadership

Imagnation destination

Immersive Experience

Skills that I want to be better









This last part of the year has been action packed, we had to do concept paragraphs every week for the past three weeks. These are paragraphs about seven different concepts that all tie together. Some examples of concepts would be innocence and evil, savagery and civilization, human nature. What we had to do with these concepts is make a paragraph about it and link events to these concepts.


What I really wanted to talk about is decisions under pressure, and I would like to dive deeper into this. So in World War II Harry Truman was faced with the decision of dropping the first nuclear bomb. So too make this decision you need to be in his shoes. After spending millions and millions on this bomb and 6 years manufacturing this project, scientists that had been working on this bomb had mix feelings. Some told Truman that it wasn’t a good idea, that maybe even the atmosphere would implode. Others wanted Harry Truman to do it. But I believe this is because of all the work they put into it and they didn’t want to give up on 6 years of struggle and hardship. Also they only tested the bomb once before they used it on Japan. We all know that he did it. But people often wonder why.

Macbeth Video project

Never before this project i thought i would hear ms Willemse mutter ” you will all be working together”. I was in shock, was she joking it can’t be true that the whole class will be working together? Although it was true, we were put to the task of recreating Macbeth in WWII to show what is the true nature of evil. My first reaction was this isn’t  going to work. But as we continued going through it kinda changed i thought we might have a chance of this working. This slight glimpse of hope was optimistic and false. Depending on how you looked at it a failure and a success. It was a failure because the whole class kinda turned on each other and we didn’t really work as a team, and a success because i learned that management isn’t easy and working as a huge group isn’t easy.

Now that I’m done introducing the project I’m going to explain how it was made by a step by step list.

1- First we assigned roles for everyone

-this includes auditions for the actors


2-WE got the script writers to pitch their ideas to us as a class and we hose which nes we liked the best


3-then we made some props we needed to film the first few scenes


4-we filmed


5-we edited


…..This is what would have happened in a perfect world. What actually happened is after we made probs we all disagreed on the actual script, after we finally got that figured out we had to film. Filming was a big issue because some actors we needed never showed up. To say it was a shit show would be a understatement.


If i took away anything from this project it would be that the bigger the group the more problems you will have i think the optimal amount of people to have in a group project is 4-6. Another thing i would say this project helped me with is character. This video pushed my limits of my character. Overall i’m glad i took these two things away from this project but never the less i would never want to repeat anything like this.

My Canada

A few weeks ago professional video makers came into are classroom and taught us skillz that pay the billz when it comes to video making. I was actually gone for this class I was sick. Anyways there was a friendly competition on a video and i think there is a prize on ” our Canada”. The video had to consist of what Canada was too us and it had to be 30 seconds or less. This is a blessing and a challenge to me. Its a blessing because im not very good at making super long videos that are interesting for the whole video. But it is also a challenge because it is hard to give your opinion in a video that is 30 seconds long. I am proud of this video because i put a lot of work into making it and i found it interesting making the video.


To make this i had to start off with a script. Usually making the script is the hardest part but not this time I knew it had to be short so i think that helped. But what i think helped the most is that Iwas passionate about Canada and what it is too me SCRIPT the rest was also decently easy I found visuals that I thought would be good and then put audio over it. I want Ms Willemse and Mr Hughes to look at it and i want to improve on this and MAKE IT EVEN BETTER!

Helmut Lemke

Tapfer zu sagen, die am wenigsten. On March 2nd the PLP class had the privilege of a German WWII veteran coming into our class room and like the German words at the top of the page say;brave to say the least. Helmut was drafted into the end of the war and was put to fight at a young age. If being in the from line wasn’t enough he was also taken as a war prisoner. This to me was all cool but sad at the same time.  All this never got to Helmut, when he was with are class he talked about how he didn’t want to kill. how wars were between governments and he people that were trying to kill him were no different then those people.

Me and my classmate Matthew S 

got together to make a podcast about all the attributes Helmut showed during the war.