Echos of Blogpost

Welcome back to my blog in this one were going to be talking about Maker more specifically a podcast project we recently did. For our podcast we could make it about anything we wanted as long as there was a good message behind it. For my podcast I made mine about WWII with the goal […]

What the Heck is an Incongruencies

What is an Incongruencies? That is a question I asked myself on Day 1 of this Latest Humanities Project. By definition an Incongruence or Incongruencies is “the state or condition of not being in agreement, accordance, or harmony, or the degree to which things are in this state”. Basically two parties disagreeing with each other. […]

Juno Beach: From Tragedy to Triumph

Hello, so recently we just completed a Humanities project called Save Juno Beach, this project was all about WWII. The reason it’s called Save Juno Beach is because a few years ago there was a proposed condo development on Juno Beach that threated the center, The Juno Beach Centre was established to honour the Canadians […]

Market Me

Hello, welcome back to another blog post. Today we will be talking about a recent PGP project about marketing ourselves, it was all about making resumes, business cards, and finally making a mock interview. So lets start with the resume.  We started this project with building a resume, I initially struggled with this part because […]

Power of Imagiblog

Hey recently most of the PLP10s went on a field study to Disney World in which we had loads of fun, however the main purpose of the field study was to learn and make to videos one of which the Humanities one will be talked about in this post. So the Driving Question for this […]


Hello, we’ve just finished a project in PGP. It was all about creating balance in your life. The Driving Question for this project was “How Does Balance in my Life Create Opportunities?”. Ok onto the post. This project had three main ideas which were: Positive Brain Training, The 7 Habits, and The Atomic Habits.   So […]

Is This Trending!??

Hey, welcome back to the blog. We just finished the first Maker project of the year! This project was all about trendy videos like Tik Tok or Instagram reels. Also what was fun is… we took a field study to DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!! We made all of our trend videos at Disney or Disney themed. So […]

“Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Blogpost”

Hello there, we just finished another Humanities project about Romeo and Juliet. In this project we made our own Romeo and Juliet adaption about a specific scene. We also watched a couple adaptations about the play like “Gnomeo and Juliet” and “Warm Bodies”. The Driving Question for this project was: “How has William Shakespeare’s Romeo […]


“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and […]

Avatar The Way of Exhibition

Hello everyone. Welcome back to yet another Blog Post about the Winter Exhibition. In this winter exhibition we made a Monument about 3 historic injustices in Canadian History. The 3 being Japanese Internment, Komagata Maru, and Chinese Head Tax. You can learn more about these events.  Here Here  Here  So the whole exhibition was based […]