Month: January 2022
Mpol (it’s so freakin scary Oh my god I do not know what I’m doing heeeeeeelllp)
Ok so there’s this thing called the Mpol at my school and dude I am soooooo nervous. But hopefully I do well. You might be thinking
”why are you tellingme this random child I found on the internet”
and that reason I don’t really know but i’m required to do this by my school soooooo here it is.
At the start of my year at high school I was pretty chill as I’d been to high school back in England ( in England you start school in grade 7) but when i got there it was very different as I am in PLP which is very different to normal school.
There was an upset in the system so I did not get any of the apps required to have at the beginning so this was a problem for the first lesson but only the first lesson.
Now I had these very important apps.
This is the home base of all info , what we are learning, why we are learning things, different projects we are doing, and a lot more.
Showbie is where you hand in all of your work and assignments are posted.
So now we know about the start off the year let’s move a bit further.
The first exhibition was a presentation evening where the parents visited school, walked around listening to iPad presentations from their own child and others and then offered feedback on what they did well and what they could improve on. This went quite well even though everyone was expecting to flop. I made a post about it so go check it out at My maker experience also I have a video of the presentation I showed so here it is (warning it’s cringe) it was my first one!
Now onto our first humanities. We did a whole project on advertising which was surprisingly fun. What we had to do was make an add in our groups for our assigned business. My group got Honey doughnuts. If you don’t know what Honeys is it’s a doughnut shop in Deep Cove in North Vancouver. Here’s a link to there website.
Now I feel like I didn’t do great in this project because I didn’t really feel able to express my ideas as it felt like one person in my group was taking over and squashing any ideas that they didn’t have or like but I think our poster turned out pretty good. Here it is …
From this project I took away the need to express myself more and ensure that the whole group works together to complete things – its still a work in progress for some people I’m trying more to have my ideas heard. I had a similar issue with my Scimatics board game where I listened to partner and what they wanted as they were my friend even though it wasn’t what I wanted and so our game ended up being very restricted as they wanted to basically do a version of snakes and ladders and not invent our own game. I would make my own choice next time.
Ok so I’m not going to go on about all the projects we have done this last 6 months I’m now going to share some more specific elements that were highs and lows of my learning.
So what I am most proud of is my Laser light show. (you can read more about this here I’m most proud of the fact that I fixed my groups project when it wasn’t working properly. Our group worked well on the whole but there were a few issues with the calculations that were made and the laser did not line up properly to make a triangle. I redid the calculations while my group looked at other projects and fixed it. I was proud that I kept preserving to get a good result and make it work. Here is a picture of the fixed laser show.
The element I’m least proud of in Scimatics, as I mentioned before, is my board game. I didn’t express my ideas or thoughts so I ended up making a game that I wasn’t engaged or interested in, that was boring and had no way of being creative. We should not have based our game on an exiting game and invented a new one. I had a lot of ideas for a game that could not be used and wish we had done it differently.
I really enjoyed studying the book “the Outsiders”. I think kit was an intriguing story with great characters and many plots twists and turned. The element of this project that I am most proud of was the tableau performances that my group produced for the winter exhibition. I think my group worked really well and we planned and delivered clearly our scene on the evening and I did well playing Marcia.
The element I think I could improve most for this project and (others) is my blog post – I need to not just say what we did but also explain better what I learnt.
Also for humanities I enjoyed our poetry project and think I produced an engaging ebook with some clever poems. Also I think I did very well well on the test. Here is my ebook
The thing I’m most proud of is a picture I produced during the constructive creative communication project. It captured the mood I was given and showed good editing skills as well as colour, texture and use of light. I got a rainbow for it. Here it is.

I am very proud of this picture because I like the dark edges that are blurred in contrast with the bright colours and the comedy of the emoji. Also my teacher said I did an exemplary blog post on this project.
I think what I could have improved the most was the first keynote presentation I did. I didnt really put much effort into making it fancy or imaginative although I think I presented reasonably well.
Going forward I think I need to get better at making my ideas heard, focusing my time more, doing my homework on time.
So this project I got to use frikin lasers.
And I know what you might be thinking random person on the interweb
“wElL tHaT dOeSn’T sEeM sAfE fOr A kId To Be DoInG. yOu CoUlD bLiNd SoMeOnE.”Most of us probably know that so it will not stop us.
Anyways lets jump on right in to the rest of the blog post.
First of all we needed to make a project start mind map to plan out what questions we had and our thoughts on what they (lasers) are. We wrote examples of what we knew and how they are used. This is how mine looked.
Then we edited it at the end of the project which is now when I’m writing this post but I’ll show that to you later.
Next we did a TOOOOOON of workbooks and textbooks but I’m not gonna bore you with all that, so I’ll put some of them here but you don’t have to read them.
From this we learned about different uses for lasers but more importantly we learned about the law of reflection. If you want a super in depth understanding of it then look it up but here is a brief explanation. With pictures of course.
So the law of reflection basically is all light travels in straight lines. The light that travels towards a surface is the incident ray. When the incident ray hits the surface the normal ray is at 90 degrees. What ever angle the incident ray hits the surface in relation to the normal it’s reflective ray bounces off at exactly the same angle in relation to the normal. That is called the reflected ray. See diagram below.
Next we did the law of reflection lab where we tested our understanding of the law and proved it with an experiment. During the experiment we had a laser, paper, pencil and mirror. We placed the mirror on the paper and drew the normal line. Then we shone the laser onto the mirror and recorded the incident ray and the reflected ray. We then measured their angles in relation to the normal line to see if they matched – guess what? They did!
Then we did a TOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNN of math workbooks which taught us Pythagorean theorem. Which basically is that the sum of the square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other 2 sides. A squared + B squared = C squared see diagram below. This also meant we knew about how to calculate missing lengths and angles in triangles.
Next we used a laser simulator, to make a right angled triangle that was a Pythagorean triple and proved the law of reflection and Pythagorean theorem.
We were then able to use all this understanding to create group laser displays. We designed and made a board using mirrors that when they were set at the correct angles the laser light bounced off to create a triangle. We chose a space theme for our background here is our making process.
Finally to review the curricular competencies.
Curricular Competencies | Proficient | ||
1 Questioning and predicting:
Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest |
All class time is used efficiently for learning and project work without distractions. | ||
2 Communicating and Representing: Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms | A scientific experimental procedure is developed and implemented with all required steps of the scientific method. A conclusion about the law of reflection and the pythagorean theorem is formulated and supported by precise measurements. | ||
3 Applying and innovating: Co-operatively design projects | The laser triangle is accurately planned, built, measured and labeled. All group members contribute equally. |
Competency 1 – I think I worked well in class and with my group and completed all tasks.
Competency 2 – I think both my simulator and law of reflection labs, as well as our final project show that I am able to understand all the steps in an experiment and follow them in a scientific way. I can draw conclusions and make precise calculations and measurements and when at first my groups laser did not work I was able to recalibrate the angles and adjust the mirrors accordingly.
Competency 3 – I think i contributed to my group well and even though there were some errors at first we were able to correct them and produce a great laser display.
Ok so lastly back to that mind map I showed you at the start with some added info! Enjoy
Ma ebook
So I wrote and an ebook that is and my poem from this project that express element of my worldview
Let’s switch it up
So the other platforms we’ve talked about cant really be used on the go like in the car or on a train but this one is different. It is a handheld small device that looks like this.
And you may be thinking, “bUt I dOnT wAnT iT tO bE sMaLl”
Well random hopefully human I do not know the switch can be placed into a docking station that can be plugged into to your TV (with an HDMI cable) and have it appear on there. Here is a video of me showing you how to do it.
Now that you know it is able to be big-screen I’m going to tell you about some of the games I recommend.
Here I will list 5 different games I suggest to any Nintendo player
VR a Whole New World
So you’ve decided you don’t want a console, why not huh? Got something against consoles? No, I get it, you want something more- you want to be IN the video game – well I have the perfect platform for you.
So if you don’t know what VR is, it stands for virtual reality: meaning a 3 dimensional world that you can access by putting on a headset. Using this headset, hand controllers and a designated game zone that you can draw the edges of yourself (called the guardian on Oculus which stops you bashing into anything) you can interact physically with other people across globe in games and experiences.
In this blog post I will be showing you the process of me designing and drawing a representation of a VR world.
The Outline
First up I had to get the basic outline of a headset which looks roughly like this.
I used a brush tool and a circle outline tool to create the eye holes. I then used the stretch tool and circle to to create the outer lines which I then shaded. I then used the sizing tool to improve the size of the eye wholes. Below is my progress.
Next, I drew freehand, using a variety colours, to create an unusual looking mountain.
Following this, I decided to add more detail of a bolder flying towards you, fortunately its a VR world as in the real world this would kill you! I also added an alien. This alien is inspired by one of the characters in a show Rick and Morty. In addition there is a darkened sun because this world is full of pollution which is produced by by the aliens in order for them to breath the air.
Finally, I used the colour fill tool to add background colour.
I hope you like my drawing.
Now you know the wonders of VR make your choice!
From going to Warfare in an Alien world to playing a game of poker with your friends, VR has it all.
See ya chumps!
Oh by the way my Friend Amy has a great blog click here to check it out….
Just for a little extra credit from my teachers ( I know you’re there, I see you, just kidding, I don’t see you) I wrote a Haiku about VR
Xbox vs PlayStation : a War to go Down in History
So you might be thinking…
”Well this amazing and handsome and intelligent young man on the internet has told me about different gaming platforms but I want to get a console, hmm which one do you recommend?”
Well Internet person, that’s a personal choice, so I could say ‘I don’t know’, but that wouldn’t be very helpful now would it! There are two consoles that you could look at. These are..
So, Xbox is what I prefer as I like the controller layout more. An Xbox controller looks like this
At first you might think its weird how the sticks aren’t parallel to each other like this,
however, it feels better than it looks as it fits comfortably in your hand. But if you don’t think that would be good for you then..
PlayStation has a very different controller layout, although it might not look like that at first. Also holding a PlayStation controller is very different and in my opinion less comfortable.
This is a PlayStation controller and believe it or not the thing above the dots is pressable!
You might notice that the buttons are different than the Xbox and there are more. There are symbols now rather than letters! So if you chose one of these 2 controllers over the other be aware the buttons are different – don’t refer to the B button to a PlayStation player, they will look at you oddly!.
Pros and Cons
- Longer battery life
- simpler layout
- exclusive Xbox games
- Uses batteries(can be fixed with rechargeable batteries)
- headphone jack on controller can break if you pull out headphones often
- easier to access games for beginners
- PlayStation exclusive games
- rechargeable batteries
- shorter battery life
- slightly more complex in terms of speaking with friends as no Live Gold chat avaiable
Ok so that’s about it.
Do you have a preference?
Tell me in the comments and make sure to follow to get notified when I make another post. (At least I think that’s how that works)
Ok byyyyyyeeeeee.
What To pick…What To Pick?
Are you thinking about getting into gaming?
Then do it! or don’t, I don’t know, do whatever you want ….I’m not your mum. Or am I?
Honestly I love gaming and it can be a great way to stay in touch with friends and even surprisingly boost your reaction speed and motor control.
(It’s a super smash bros reference … but still you can’t game without first choosing what to game on)
So there are a few different gaming platforms that I recommend!
PC is basically a either a laptop or a monitor plugged into BIG BOX that looks like this
Sorry my desk is really messy!
So its basically just a big box labelled Xbox or PlayStation that you plug into your tv and you can play games with a controller, see my next post for more…
Switch is a handheld games console made by Nintendo that you can also dock into a docking station which attaches to your TV via HDMI. Wait for blog 4 three in this series to explore this console more.
Short for virtual reality, this headset allows you to immerse yourself in a 3 dimensional world to give you a full body experience.
This is gaming via apps on devices such as phones and iPads the main advantage is you can play whilst on the toilet!
Old school and new in one – you can visit gaming arcades to play these or you can save up big bucks and buy one for your room!
Basically that’s pretty much most things you can game on – to explore these options further and find out more about what each platform in more detail visit my blog over the next few weeks.
Outsiders tableaux and worldview wow this is a really long title and I am definitely not making this unfunny and overused joke because I couldn’t think of a pun
Have you ever wanted to cry…..
Well I have the perfect movie for you! The Outsiders is a sad yet entertaining movie that can teach you a lot about worldview at least It taught me a lot about having a different perspective on life than from other people.
At the start of the project we had to express our own world view, this was my mine:
World view
I believe that gaming is a sport but its an e-sport I believe this because I am very in to gaming
I like to make friends who also play video games
Beliefs Geography
I think beliefs are very important in your worldview because if you believe something different to another person then you will have a different worldview than theirs but different beliefs can drastically change a person e.g religion.
Geography is very important because if you come from a different place than someone then you might have different thoughts about something or you might have a different culture to them.
Following on from our beliefs we worked to understand the different characters and thier motivations, this helped me to feel more attached to the characters and think about how they would see things.
See my slide show below to discover more.
Next up we had to recreate a trailer for the movie in new groups. This was fun. We filmed different scenes from the movie that show key elements of the story: I edited them into a trailer. If you want to watch it click below, I hope you enjoy the comedy subtitles I made.
Next we individually made movie posters for the well movie I guess, I took quite a bit of time making mine as I couldn’t find the colour change filter. I put a lot of effort into it though.
The left side is representing before they ran away as things are normal, well as far as normal goes for greasers. And the right side is after everything is going wrong.
However, we then made a group movie poster and I think it turned out much much better than my original one
In doing this I found out that making a movie poster is harder than it looks and it takes many different stages of design and critique and making every little detail perfect. It also made me think about important elements of the story and showing key characters.
Our final project element was to complete a tableau showing one section of the story that we would present on exhibition evening. My group looked at expressing the fountain where Jonny killed Bob. We had to demonstrate it as it would have been during the time it was set and also in modern day. We had to demonstrate Elena’s of world view.
We chose time because drive in movie theatres were only popular for such a short period of time.
We chose beliefs because Cherry changes Pony’s beliefs of what socs are like. She says “things are rough all over”, referencing how greasers have it tough and socs have it tough as well.
Overall the outsiders taught me that different people can view the world in different ways and have different ideas about the same thing or event, they can have different experiences based on their upbringing and ideas of the world.