*insert office theme song

Hello, we just recently completed a project which tied to Exhibition. The PGP project we just did was all about finances. First I will talk about the project, and then the exhibition. 

The Project

In the project, we were learned about money and managing money. This included several things but the main highlight was a Stock Market Simulator Challenge we did. I sucked at it , I lost all my money right away. While this challenge was going on we wrote a reflection every week about actions we took throughout the week. You can view them below. 

Stock Reflections


So by reading my reflections you can see that I failed this part. As I crashed and burned after getting bored. This is terrible for me and I need to not get bored and invest in penny stocks. This is good learning as for future projects where we do somethings similar I need to power through it, and learn to be patient. Something else we did was watch the movie Moneyball 

I had never seen this movie before. So this was a really interesting experience for me. So interesting that we wrote a reflection about it. (That may have sounded sarcastic but I am serious). 



If you read my Maker blogpost you know that we made podcasts, and if you read my previous PGP post you know that we made Business Cards. So we made Business Cards for our podcasts. 


For Exhibition we set up a room to look like an office space, sorted into different sections based on our podcast topic. As my podcast was about WWII I was put into the stories section as I was telling the story of WWII. We were sitting at tables, and the stuff was arranged to make a cubicle. 

We sat there and told people about our Podcasts if they asked. However within 30 minutes of exhibition start, I was pulled away to be a greeter at the front door. I thought this exhibition was ok, as the room we set up looked really cool, but we didn’t really do a lot. During a debrief after everyone agreed that sitting for two hours, saying the same thing over and over, was super stale and boring. As I was pulled away to be a greeter I personally didn’t experience this. Thank you for reading. 


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