Super Awesome, Totally Accurate, Amazingly Unique, Advice to Grade 8s

“ So… you’ve joined PLP, you’re in grade 8, life is awesome (maybe). But uh oh. What’s that? The teachers are mad at you for not labeling your documents properly? Well, worry not because in this article, I will share with you some minor but important things to never forget while in PLP. 

First, as mentioned, ALWAYS LABEL YOUR DOCUMENTS. This is important for a few reasons. It’s way easier to do organizational stuff when you know what each document is called. Also, once your documents begin to pile up, it’s easier to sort through them. Second, teachers really don’t appreciate a document labeled ‘blank’ and will make you correct it. So you might as well do it.

Tip number two. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I know some of the teachers in PLP come off as kind of scary. But they will always try to help you. If you don’t understand the assignment or the feedback you got, just go ask. Asking for help will improve your work, even if you don’t think so. 90% of the time the teachers will find something to improve.

The third and final tip: take things seriously. Sometimes PLP can come off as kind of easy. With no super strict deadlines and the ability to revise if you didn’t understand the assignment, PLP doesn’t seem that hard. But when I was in grade 8, I sometimes let my work pile up, and this caused me to be overwhelmed at the end of the project. So do your work and make sure it gets in on time. 

So that’s it, quality of life tips from a Grade 11 student, enjoy PLP! (The teachers get less scary over time)” 

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