Hi and welcome back to my blog! Today I’m going to be talking about the biggest project that I’ve been working on. This is Destination Imagination. DI is this contest between a bunch of schools. In DI you are tasked with solving a problem with your team using a limited amount of supplies. You have a price limit of $190.30 to spend on supplies, a time limit of 8 minutes (including the setup), and a space limit of 8ft by 10ft. Every team has a different and unique challenge where you have the chance to impress the judges and score points in different areas. This project is still in the works so I can’t reveal too much of our solution.
Our team was tasked with the challenge of creating a story that takes place in the Microworld where the characters have to discover a mysterious object. All that I’m going to reveal about my story is that it involves bacteria and some scientists. Our story is going to have some scene changes and some music and stuff to keep the story going.

So far we have done a lot of work with the story and some of the background parts. I have also started working on some of the music that is going to be on in the background. The main reason that I’m making the music is so that is feels more original and because it can get us more points under the team choice element part. A team choice element is something that we add that shows that audience a bit about out team. I have to do about three songs that all have different feels to them, like sad, excited, and calm.

The set pieces that we have mainly been working on are some microscopes for the start and end of the play. They have to be large enough that you can see them from up to 25 feet away and they have to be able to fit one or two people behind them. These are going to play a vital role in telling our story.
Another big thing that our group has been working on is our instant challenges. The instant challenges are a bunch of, more or less, mini DI challenges. In the challenge you have a couple minutes to use a few objects to write a story and perform it to some judges. You are then scored and compared to the other groups, who all had to do the exact same challenge.
So far I think that my group has been doing pretty well. I think that our group is where we need to be with the work. We do have to start on our mysterious object because that is going to be the hardest part. I think that we are going to be ready for the first of the dress rehearsals, which are coming up in a few weeks.
My Group