Exploring Ecosystems🔬

Ahh my first post of grade 9 it felt like a couple days ago I was writing my last one of grade 8. What you are about to read is about how we as humans are impacting our local ecosystems. But more specifically the driving question is “what are ways in which human beings impact […]

Comic Cells!

This is my last Scimatics blog post for the year. In fact, the last one of grade 8 in total (totally not because I am handing this in late).  The name of this project was Comic cells, we had to create a comic about a disease or virus that interacts with a cell. I struggled to […]

Good Bye Grade 8..!

Wow, Grade 8 went by fast…  Welcome to my tPol blog post!  “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my […]

PLP Impact exhibition 2022

Helloooo!  This post isn’t going to be about a singular subject today, it’s about the PLP spring exhibition. The grade 8’s and 9’s got to work together in multiple groups in different rooms representing what PLP learners experience and do. I was happy with the people in my group, and they where, Hannah, Gwen, Fraser, […]

🦫 New Beginnings! 🦫

New Beginnings (that’s the name of our project) was all about discovering New France. The point of this project was to understand the importance of the past and make connections too it; the driving question was “What did the establishment of New France mean for all the people involved?”.  This projects end result was originally […]

A Fridge With Carrots..?

This project was about creating an object with the maximum surface area or volume. You could also choose to be with a partner or work alone! I chose to be with a partner and ended up with my friend hannah. Together we chose to create a fridge with the maximum surface area! Don’t ask why […]

Learning about the power of a pencil

As usual I’ll start of with the driving question: “How might I use technology to create and communicate?” for this project we had to split into two separate sides, one was for photography (Herzog) and the other for drawing (Carr). I started in Carr