Through out our Humanities classes so far we have been working on a unit about advertising. A few assignments and things we have learned about before the big project:

.Media definitions are lots of types of  media and ads

. Our advertisng journals were a bunch of pictures of ads we saw

. The advertising survey was a list of questions we had to answer as well as our parents

. The definition of advertising and advertisement

. A demographics work sheet where we had to fill in a web and then say what movies, tv shows, etc. Would be targeted at us

. Advertising appeals and techniques worksheet and article to read about branding

. In the forms of advertising lesson we had to list advantages of each type of advertising

. In the identifying advertising techniques and appeals section we had to go home and document 8 ads we saw on TV and then write a reflection

. The lst lesson we learned about before we really got into the project was was pathos ethos and logos. Pathos is an appeal to emotion, ethos is an appeal to credibility or character, and logos is an appeal to logic or reason


As a class, we made a list of local businesses and then got into groups of four and called them on the phone. In my group I had Izzy, Ben, and Luciano. After calling at least 6 businesses and getting shut down, our group had the brilliant idea to call my parents’ company, Capilano Kitchen and Bath, and luckily enough we organized a meeting with my stepmom at our school. We asked things like what products are you advertising right now, who is your target audience, and do you have a main image you want featured in the ad. We got all the information we needed and then we each made individual ads.

Way too bright and colourful

Draft #1 of the Deep Cove Bussiness – way too bright and colourful

After we finished our first draft we handed them in to our teacher and the next day we got our ad critiqued in front of the whole class. My first draft was really terrible, it was very eye catching but not necessarily the good kind. None of the people in our class got to keep the first draft, we all completely failed, so we did a second draft with the feedback we got. My second draft was actually a lot better. I had a better picture and it was a bit more subtle. Although, it was still not perfect. The big text had a bad font, the arrows at the bottom were a lot bigger than the text itself, and the photo was a little bit dark.

Draft #2 of the Deep Cove bussiness ad – a little bit dark

So again, we went back to the drawing boards and did one final draft for our local business ad. Definitely, this ad was one hundred percent better than any other ad I’d designed before. I ended up making two drafts and I liked both of them but only one of them was perfect.

Draft #3 (1) – perfect, a bit of a smaller deck

Draft #3 (2) – this is the best ad I made

So after all these drafts and hard work, we thought we were done, but no, definitely not. We were getting ready for our trip to Oregon, which was an amazing field study we went on, when we learned, we were going to be interviewing an Oregon business. Knowing that most of these businesses we had never heard of before, we were all a little bit nervous, but someone in our group eventually volunteered to call. The first place we called was a Chinese Restaurant called Kam Meng, they weren’t open yet when we called so they didn’t answer, which meant that was one business gone. We had another choice though, a breakfast/lunch restaurant called the Pig’n Pancake. This time someone picked up the phone, but they said to call back in thirty minutes, so we did. When we called back, the person in our group that’s was calling thought that it would be the same person on the phone as before, but it wasn’t so the Pig’n Pancake was very confused and our caller just hung up. So another person volunteered to call and luckily we got it all sorted out, we called the store owner, got his email and could keep in contact with him until our meeting in Oregon. As we counted down the days till we drove to Oregon, we worked on a first draft for the Pig’n Pancake advertisement.

Draft #1 of the Oregon Business – picture offline, not the best


We just took pictures from online and designed it from there. After lots of critiquing on this ad, we tried once more before we were off to Oregon. This one was a little bit better, it was a lot brighter and more eye catching, but it wasn’t what we needed.

Draft #2 of the Oregon Business ad – a bit more eye catching


Once we were well into our trip, we got an email that said the owner couldn’t meet with us on the day we were eating at the Pig’n Pancake. We tried to sort it out but it never worked out. So when we got back home we just did a third draft judging by the mood of the restaurant and what we think the owner would have liked. So we finished our third draft and then got it critiqued in front of the whole class, which showed us, our ads really weren’t as good as we thought they were. It had to much blank space and a few things just didn’t really fit.

Draft #3 of the Oregon business ad – too much blank space

We did another draft and this one was a lot better. It was so close to the final draft but it just wasn’t……. the one.

Draft # 4 of the Oregon Business ad

So we did one final draft. This one was THE one. It was perfect. It had the right filter on the photo, the right font, and the logo was the perfect size. I was really proud of this one and I think it goes to show how much you can learn about advertising.

To finish off the the project, we emailed the people we talked to in the meetings about the ads we created. We told them they could use our ads if they wanted, but they didn’t have to.

The question that was asked at the begginig of this unit was “ does what we hear, see, and read influence us?” To answer that question, yes, one hundred percent. Ads are very persuasive and can make pretty much anything sound good, then you will want to go out and buy the product they are trying to sell to you. Eye catching, funny, loud, and relatable are just a few things an ad could have to grab your attention.

In this unit we learned lots. And when I say lots I mean some days, we would be doing two lessons a day. But all of it was worth it in the end. We had a beautiful finished product for both the deep cove business and the Oregon business. We may not be ad designers when we grow up, but advertising is all around you and it is nice to know what’s behind all of them.

~ Jordyn😁


