DI Online Tournament


Today I will be reflecting on a DI tournament that my class did since DI was cancelled due to covid-19. For the tournament we had 3 days to meet with our team online using Zoom. To check out my first post on the DI regional tournament which explains DI and what my team did originally, click the link. In this post I will talk about the changes that my team made in class before spring break, and the bigger changes we had to make when school didn’t go back after spring break.

Before spring break, our group decided to make quite a few changes such as changing our claws’ colour from white to black to make them more realistic. We also simplified the claw arm that knocks over the trees since that wasn’t one of the focuses for points. We added more leaves to the trees so that they look more realistic. After we made these changes it was spring break so we had to put our progress on hold. Then DI provincials was canceled due to covid-19.

The cancellation of the tournament didn’t stop us from presenting to our class though. We made our presentations online through Zoom, and did our Instant Challenges that way as well. Now I will talk about the changes and challenges about presenting the tournament online. One of the main challenges with presenting online was the fact that we weren’t in sync due to it being online. Another challenge was that we all had to remake things like claws and other props that we had left at school. We weren’t allowed to go out and buy things to keep to the guidelines to stay home so we had to use things that we found at our house to make props such as fur. We had to make our narrator Nate look like a host in a nature documentary so that he would seem to be in the environment and the story with us instead of being just a narrator. In addition, we added lyrics to the ukulele song. We still had to show the trees fall over in our performance but we didn’t have our claw arm so we decided to do this by making a video of a tree falling over and using it as our virtual background. We decided to make our story longer, we added an extra day and extra night to add a little bit more time. It was really hard to make the tree fall over when one of the monkeys tries to climb it, so during the extra day we added to our performance, we decided to show how some of the trees fall over due to the monkeys eating the leaves and killing the trees. We were then able to change our virtual back ground in accordance to what is happening to the environment. Our virtual backgrounds that we used are in the gallery below.

And here is the video that we used to make the tree fall.


In the online tournament, I think that we did a pretty good job even with some of the obstacles in our way.  I think that we definitely improved from the last time that we performed (here’s the link to that post which includes the video of our Regional’s performance DI regional tournament).

Now I will reflect on the curricular competency.

Research and Understanding:

I showed this competency when trying to come up with a solution to our problems with being online such as being out of sync and not having our props for the environment.

Thank you for reading my blog. You can click on the names of my teammates to see their take on our virtual DI tournament: Raymond, Julien, Ryder, Nate.