Hello and welcome back to my blog.
As you read in the title this is another D.I reflection. In this post, I’ll be going through the process my team and I went on that eventually culminated in the Destination Imagination regional finals. This year, regionals were held at our home school, Seycove Secondary (link seycove website here). That was definitely a benefit to my team and I, but we still had to do the work and come up with a creative solution to the task. Here’s how we did it:
My group was made up of (team members). Our challenge was very complex. Here’s a short rundown on what it was:
The challenge was the engineering challenge and it had five deliverables.
- The first was a bridge. Bridge had to be made out of only cards and duct tape. It had to span a barrier 18 inches tall and five inches wide. This bridge had to be strong enough to hold weights, and that brings us to our next deliverable “the technical method”.
- The next deliverable was a method that would take up to three weights across you bridge. You would get more points if the method was completely automated.
- The third deliverable was a set piece to enhance your story.
- That brings us to our next deliverable, the story. This was a story about something of our creation that would incorporate our bridge.
- Our final deliverable was your team choice elements. These elements are in pretty much every D.I challenge except for the improve challenge.
Now that you have a brief understanding of our challenge and its deliverables let me take you through the learning process. We started with in the typical PLP fashion with the first milestone. The first milestone saw identifying the challenge requirements as stated by the D.I officials. The task was to do a small worksheet with our group. Unlike normal PLP project there is no competencies.
The second milestone was another sheet that saw us looking through the team challenge. We had to split up our groups to assign each person to research a deliverable. The deliverables are listed above. After finding out all we could about these deliverables we had to then report or findings to the group. Milestone went along with milestone two. For milestone three we had to split the deliverables and assign one two every group member. This deliverables was now the single persons responsibility.
Now we get into milestone four, task sequencing. This is where we got to start building up our challenge. I was the D.R.I (directly responsible individual) of the technical method. Is started the process with prototyping r launch with several ideas. The main idea I went with in the end was a lego cart holding weight that would be dragged across the card bridge with a motor system. I chose this because it was a cheap and easy way to get a motorized vehicle across a bridge. Along the way of prototyping and competing the technical methods I also completed the set piece and one of the team choice elements and about half the bridge. The technical method ran into some difficulties when I couldn’t get a motor but I borrowed one from a friend and got the technical method up in running again. The one main problem our group was having was the set piece. We couldn’t find a way to get a cool and automated set piece. We had one really haphazard idea so we used it. This idea was janky but it kinda worked. We started to get into panic mode a little bit with some other things but when we it sort of got better as the tournament drew nearer. The final thing to do was to finish and print out a lot of forms.

Now I am going to talk a little about tournament day. We go to seycove ready to go. We got all of our stuff together and we were ready to perform. Before we preformed we had to do the instant challenge. This is a challenge where you go into a room with no idea of what is ahead and the appraisers in there would give you a challenge to complete. I can’t talk about what my instant challenge was but I will tell you that i went pretty good. Our team had good teamwork and we just did very well. After the instant challenge we ha to get downstairs and weigh in our bridge. All the pieces were the right length, height and weight. We then went to perform. I am nit going to say anything about how it went but I will link a video of the performance down below. After our performance ended we all agreed there was a little bit of revising to do.
Anyway that was a little bit of our D.I journey. I think that D.I is a really fun awesome experience when you get through the stress of the massive amounts of work in it. The challenges are exceptionally hard but there is always a great sense of pride when you complete and show of your results. Overall D.I is good but the work is bad. Its kind of funny how fun it is on the tournament day. If you want to know how we did as a group in the tournament position wise. Here is a image that shows off our clout and skill in D. I.
Thank you for reading yet another blog post by me. This had been an interesting one as the journey was really hard but the end results are fun (if not a little funny). I think that I would hav liked to take another crack at the challenge in provincials but it currently has been canceled due to the global pandemic COVID-19. Well I can say that looking back on the journeyed I think that It was quite fun and it was very interesting. If you have any questions or suggestions just let me know in the comments. Thank you for reading.