Hello and welcome back to my blog. This is the start of quite a few posts from grade 10. This post is milestone 2 for the very first maker project. This maker project is Project Podcast and the main focus is podcasts and identity. This post will be on my understanding of the word identity. I will use definitions from class myself and fellow students.
i·den·ti·ty: noun
1.the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.
Above you will see the generally accepted dictionary definition of the word identity. But it also means so much more. Your identity is who you are and what you are as a person. This is built up of culture, religion, upbringing, personality, and hobbies to name a few. In class we were asked to come up with our own definition of identity. Here is mine, “The combined representation of the key attributes and traits of a person or individual.” This definition (in my opinion) covers the key aspects of identity and the idea of who a person is. Another assignment that discussed the concept of identity was the my name exercise. This exercise was a response to a passage in a book then we had to to make our own passage of the book. This passage was about the identity of our name. What the colour of our name is, what the sound of our name is and what the feeling of our name is.
Along with this blog post we had to make a gif that represented us and our identity. This gif was to be made in keynote. I really enjoyed this part as it was fun exploring and finding the right pictures to create a gif that represented me. So here is that gif.