Hey there! Welcome back to another absolutely amazing post here at My Dog Ate My. We have been working on a unit all about revolutions and metaphors and circuits, none of those really go together at all you would think, but you’ll find out more details about this project in posts to come and how these elements come together. Now, one big aspect of this project is steampunk. Steampunk may not be something you are aware of but that is what I am here to tell you. It is a genre of books and movies but it is also an aesthetic, a copper, gear, metal aesthetic. It is a significant part of this unit since the project we are working on has to be themed like it and we are reading a book called the Leviathan to help us understand it more. 

The key thing to steampunk is that it has never ever existed in real life. So, because it has never existed, there is a question I have been asking myself, what would steampunk look like in modern day life, how could I steampunk my life??


After a little bit of background knowledge about steampunk from the book, and looking a little bit online, I had a few ideas of what this was, but I wanted to look a bit deeper, that is what the internet is for, am I right! So I did some research and came up with 3 main things that I could steampunk in my life. First of all, everybody pause, here is a list of my sources showing all of  the websites I went to do a little bit of research on the aesthetic of it:






A Guide to Steampunk Gadgets and Technology


What I came out with for my answer is that to make my life steampunk, I need to change how I do some things, change how things look in my life. I think I will narrow it down to three topics just so you kind of get the gist of it and so this post doesn’t frag on. The three topics I am going to focus on are clothing, transportation, and technology. 


If I had to make my clothing style become steampunk, I would have to get rid of my jeans, leggings, hoodies, sweatpants, T-shirt’s, and pretty much all of my favorite clothing. My style would become more post-apocalyptic crossed with fashion from the mid 19th century, very influenced by literature from that time as well. I would be wearing a lot of leather, like a lot of leather. Corsets, dresses, skirts, ruffly shirts, arm bands, and gloves are main parts of outfits that are steampunk themed.


The two main ways I get around are by care and by bike. These things are very easy to steampunk. After observing some photos of steampunk cars and bikes, I discovered the main difference between our vehicles and steampunk ones. They have exposed mechanics, no paint, they are old so have a rusty, coppery colour, and usually have tons of extra pipes, bells, and gears. I even found a picture of a modern day car made steampunk by adding different colours. 


Technology wouldn’t be like we know it today, iPhones, and tablets, and laptops. It would consist of many different technologies, many that don’t exist yet and have very confusing names that I don’t understand. There are a few that I do understand though, steam and clockwork. So if you can imagine phones with steam blowing out the top and gears all over, that would be a steampunk phone.

Steampunk may not or may never be something that happens in real life. It may just have started with an idea in books and movies. But sometimes it’s fun to imagine what our life would be like with different technologies, what it would look like with different influences. That’s how I would steampunk my life, How would you steampunk yours?

~Jordyn 😁