The Bonding of friendship | a Chemistry story

Did you know that if different elements bond they can create a compound?

Today I will be talking about our latest chemistry unit in scimatics. We started of by learning about chemical bonding with this we started our first experiment where we had to follow these instructions:






After following these steps we had to observe and reflect on some questions and reflect on the reaction and changes.






After this we learnt more about chemical bonding, formulas, covalent compounds and many more things to help us with our project.

We eventually heard about our project and how we have to create a short story on chemical bonding. for the longest time I couldn’t figure out what to focus the short story on. I eventually sat down and thought through “what is bonding? What is a form of bonding we see daily?” Then it hit me. Friendship, that’s what I’ll focus my story on. So I started out by drawing my borh models.



I had a bit of trouble understanding how to draw a borh model but after some time I figured it out and got that accomplished. ✅ the next step in this process was the story board, I new I wanted it to be focused on the bonding of friendship but it took me a while to figure out the foundation of the story.



Then we started animating on explain everything, it took longer than I thought on creating this. First I animated, then edited, then added music and voice over, and finally I handed it in. I thought I completed it and was proud. But then I was told to revise it and better show how the chemicals bonded and that I did not represent it enough. I took this as good advice and worked on it quite a bit to animate that extra part. Once I submitted it for the second time I got the mark back and realized that I could have done better.



In conclusion I wish that I could have worked harder to better understand the core competencies on this project and to better represent the bonding of chemicals. I hope to do better on our next unit.

One of the curricular competencies that I can work on is


formulate physical or mental theoretical models to describe a phenomenon 

I think that to work on this competency I have to go over my work and try my best to better understand the demands and expectations of a project outline to communicate the message though the next project.





Opinion post

Hey there do you like movies, Star Wars or more specifically the Star Wars prequels? If so then this opinion piece is for you.

Recently my class has been working on a Star Wars unit where we have to create a story on a side character and create something to represent our story. While working on this my mind has recently been filled with Star Wars. So I decided to re-watch some or if I have time all of the movies.

I decided to watch the prequels since I’ve enjoyed those most in the past times I’ve watched this trilogy. I don’t know what it is about the prequels that I like more than the original movies.

The movie I will be discussing is episode 2: the clone wars which happens to be my favourite.

Ok so let’s get started. This movie starts when someone tries to assassinate Senator Amidala but fails by not noticing that there is a decoy. From this event Anakin and Obi One Kenobi are assigned to protect the Senator and catch who is trying to kill her. The second attempt in this assassination is that the 2 Jedi can sense what happens in the room Padmé is in. They sense that something is in there and rush to the rescue and see two slug things which are highly poisonous. Anakin immediately kills the creatures right before they poison the Senator. They follow the assassin who gets killed with a poisonous dart before she can say anything.

Amidala is at a huge risk on her life right now and so they secretly transport her to Naboo with the aid of young Anakin Skywalker once arrived he confesses his love to her by saying the best meme ever “ I hate sand” that iconic moment is now one of the biggest jokes in my class. After confessing this love he is friend zoned by the Senator and is now becoming a closer and better friend to Padmé.


As this is happening Obi One is on an adventure of his own. Chasing a bounty hunter, planets that are wiped from the archives and discovering a secret clone army. On this journey he discovers that the trade federation are trying to side with the new Sith.

Anakin is becoming distressed with visions of his mother, he and Padmé go on an adventure round Tatooine to find her. But once Anakin finds her she dies in his arms. His mother was taken by sand people. Anakin gets furious and enraged so he kills all of these demons that take his mother.

After this has past there is quite a big battle between the trade federation and the Jedi with their new clone army.

In the end Padmé and Anakin get married in secret.

In conclusion the reason that this is my favourite Star Wars movie is that I just like the story, the characters and everything about it. Especially that it show more of Padmé’s personality.


Live event


Hello and welcome to another blog. Our recent assignment was to record an event that happened in our lives. For this video I had some trouble thinking of any events but then one popped into my head, my cousins 2nd birthday party was coming up, this was a perfect idea of showing the preparation for the event and the actual event.

This was really fun to prepare for on my behalf since I got to help my mom decide on the gift and also I got to make the card. Me and my mom decided to get my cousin a backpack that contains musical instruments, we also got a little plaid shirt and some sparkly pants. The card had a ton of heart, balloon and cupcake sticker.

The party was so much fun, when we arrived we started by setting up. We put all the drinks in the fridge, put tablecloths on the tables, set up the food and got paw patrol on the TV for the kids to watch for a bit. Once we set up, lots of family started arriving. Some of my cousins around my age brought some games to entertain us. The first game we played was kind of like a twister/simon says card game. You would pick up a card, it would either be green or red, the green cards would tell you to touch your ear or put your elbow higher than your shoulder or something like that. The red cards would tel you something like put this card on your head or put this card on your right forearm. But if you stoped on of these actions you would be eliminated. The second game was a cool trivia game where you would wright your answer with a number, you would vote to which answer you think is correct. If you guessed right you get a certain amount of tokens.

After having a lot of fun with those 2 games it was time for some dinner, we had some delicious Chinese food. On my plate was garlic pork, chicken, shrimp, my grandma’s sausage rolls and some bread that my grandpa made. It was super delicious. After having some dinner we had cake. Casey had a huge smile as we sang happy birthday. After blowing out the candles we enjoyed some awesome cake. After having digested all that food it was time for Casey to open some present. She opened the present so quick that my aunt couldn’t keep up. But is was adorable to see Casey’s expressions as she opened each gift.

Once done with gifts it was time to clean up and head home.

Here is my interview with my aunt:

1. How did you choose the options for the meal?
2. How long did it take you to create two cakes?
3. What recipe did you use for the cake?
4. What type of icing did you put on the cake?
5. Do you think Casey had a good time?
6. What do you think was Casey’s favourite part?

1. Brainstormed a few options, decided that everyone would enjoy Chinese food and it would be easy to order
2. About an hour to put each one together, bake for 55 minutes, wait for it to cool
3. Orange chiffon cake
4. 7 minute icing
5. Yes
6. Running around, singing happy birthday, seeing everyone, opening presents


This was such a fun event and I can’t wait till next year when My little cousin will turn 3.

SBC | Final Week

This has been really fun to participate in the SBC for a second time. Although I found the challenges quite repetitive from last time I did quite enjoy coming up with good ideas for these challenges.

For this week I will be doing a review styled post.

What I first did for this post was that I took the SBC quiz on what I liked, what I learned and what I could do better. I would suggest that you take this quiz.

The second thing I will be doing for this post is adding all the links to previous SBC blog post of either this year or last.



week 1.                       Week 2.                            Week 3

week 4.                       Week 5.                            Week 6

Week 7.                             Week 8

week 9                                 Week 10



week 1.                        Week 2.                           Week 3

week 4.                         Week 5.                          Week 6

Week 7.                          Week 8



now for an update as usual of how many comments I have which is now a new found tradition when I do the SBC.






This was such a fun challenge I hope to do it in future years.










SBC | Traditions

November 19 2005 I was born 14 years later I had to write this blog post.

For the student blogging challenge this week it’s about traditions and celebrations. The celebration that I will be writing about is my birthday since it happened to be during this weeks post.

The big main tradition of this special day is that I get to choose what we have for dinner that night, either we make it or go to a restaurant. This year I decided that I wanted flank steak, broccoli and a pasta recipe from a Jaimie Oliver cookbook.


Instead of having cake on the actual day, we have ice cream. We usually get cake for the family gathering and a gathering with friends. The second biggest tradition is that on the actual day we just spend it with the four of us (my dad, my mom, my brother) and my dog. Then around a week after I gather with my family as in cousins, aunts and uncles. Then I usually have a get together wit a few close friends now that I’m older.

Those are the two main traditions my family and I do on my birthday or even my brothers birthday, we both have similar traditions. I hoped you enjoyed this post. ✌🏻


Correlation Vs. Causation | A Scimatics project

This post is about our recent scimatics project about correlation vs. Causation. What does correlation and causation mean you might ask, well causation means the action of causing something, and correlation means connection between two or more things.


For this project I had to create some questions that could show correlation or causation and ask the class PLP 9 through a survey.

Before we started this project we had to make some project plan graphs.





The way I thought of my questions was thinking of things that some teenagers do and because we wanted to have most of the questions correlated to other questions.

the questions were

What month is your birthday in?
What is your favourite season?
How many hours a week do you do activities?
How many hours of sleep do you get per night?
What is your caffeine intake per week?
How many energy drinks do you drink per week?
How tired are you on a scale of 1-10?
Do you prefer online shopping or physical shopping?
What is your usual shopping budge?
What is your favourite school subject?
What subject are you best at?
After creating this survey I got 23 responses out of everyone in the class. There weren’t many correlations or causations that were easy to spot with these responses. But after reviewing it quite a lot I found some results.
These are the to questions I found. The correlating questions were: do you prefer online shopping or physical shopping, 69.6% said online and 30.4% said physical, after discovering this first question I realized that it was a biased question. Some people don’t even like shopping but some do. The question that correlated was what was your budget for shopping on a scale of 1 being $0 to 10 being $100.

The causation questions were “what is your favourite subject?” And “what subject are you best in?” The reason as to why these to questions are a causation graph is because most people do better or try harder in a class that they like more.

Peoples favourite subject: 1 Art, 3 basketball academy, 8 humanities, 7 scimatics, 2 I don’t know, 2 woodwork.

Peoples best subject: 6 humanities, 5 scimatics, 5 I don’t know, 1 French, 6 maker




In conclusion we learned though this project that somethings could have a correlation but might not directly cause that and that somethings might directly effect something but might not have a correlation.



Uno, Dos

Welcome back to another blog post.
Today the subject is math, more specifically exponents. For our first scimatics project we learned about exponent laws and simple exponent equations. Our project was to make a card game using exponents laws in some way.

First step was to get partners, Emily was my partner and we started the project with our first draft:






Here are the rules for our first draft:

• Lay out 6 cards in front of you dont look at the 3 cards are to the power of 3 basses

• You start with three cards each you can look at these3 cards

• Each turn you have to pick up a card from the mystery pile or the discard pile

• Then look at the card you picked up and decide which card in your hand you want to switch with one of the 6 facing down unknown cards and put the switched card in the discard pile for the next person

• Goal is to get the smallest score

This game was really good but it didn’t have any exponent laws tied into it.
So here is our revised second draft:






• Lay out 6 cards in front of you dont look at the 3 cards are to the power of 3 basses
• You start with three cards each you can look at these3 cards
• Each turn you have to pick up a card from the mystery pile or the discard pile then look at the card you picked up and decide which card in your hand you want to switch with one of the 6 facing down unknown cards and put the switched card in the discard pile for the next person
• Goal is to get the smallest score

It still wasn’t good enough so back to revising

Our next draft was quite different.
We had new cards and a whole new game.





• board has 4 cards
• 2 or 4 players
• Each turn you pick up a card and switch with board
• Goal is to get two of the same number in the base position without your opponent knowing
• Once you think you have 2 of the same you yell dos
• Reveal cards if right you keep the pair as points if wrong your opponent gets the pair
• Winner has most points

But once again we had to revise. The reason why we had to revise quite a bit is that we cam up with a great game but it didn’t represent exponent laws.

But then we did it, we got it, we made it and we got a great response.

Our final game:


• when completed a pair with exponents that player can flip cards and add exponents to create their points
• Most points wins
• If you draw a orange card you can switch your opponents bases so they are dividing instead of multiplying or if they are dividing you can switch it to multiplying
• 2 or 4 players
• Each turn you pick up a card and switch with board
• Goal is to get two of the same number in the base position without your aponant knowing
• Once you think you have 2 of the same you yell doce

In conclusion this project was difficult and challenging but I learned about exponents and different ways to change it. This was a really fun project and I really enjoyed it.

How Does Place Impact Who We Are?

Did you know that identity can be impacted by the places around you?


Today I will be taking about our latest humanities unit of identity and how place impacts who you are.

It all started with reading a book through the summer, it was called Rescue in the Rockies by Rita Feutl. It was about a girl that went back in time to witness different historical events.

After reading this book we moved on through the the unit and started our research on the CPR. We started with simple research questions like who drove in the last spike, how were the conditions of working and what is a snow shed.

Then we started to plan for our amazing trip to Alberta where we headed on an experience into Canada’s history. We went to multiple different locations that held amazing pieces of history. For example Craigallachie, studio bell, Glenbow museum, Three Valley Gap, Lake Louise and many more.

I learned so much on this trip about identity and the CPR history.

After arriving back home we had to create our first draft of our identity videos.


draft 1:



these are some of the things my teacher told me to revise

”Cool hook! Nice introduction as well, you speak very clearly and explain well your goal in the video! I am hoping we can look through your camera roll and find some more clips that pertain to your script (for example, you could even put a picture of your dance studio when you talk about that!). I also think the Interviews you have included need more context, explain why they are included in the video. The wolf one for example was a good question, but does not pertain to our driving question. When you ask the boat guy as well about the “experience”, what experience are you referring to. Both these interviews need more explanation. If they don’t support your topic – you may have to take them out! That’s ok, I want this video to have more flow than include things that don’t help your point. Some music would really add too! Good work Rhiann!”


so I spent a lot of time and consideration and here is the final video.


I really learnt a great deal of identity and how easily one little place can impact who you are, you decisions and your worldview. I hope that you liked this post. Au revoir 🌈


Hi, this blog post is going to be kind of similar o my M-pol post but this one is at the end of the year and has a different driving question.


Before I started to work on my T-Pols I decided to look back at my goal moving forward from my M-Pols, “to procrastinate less and to continue to be open to learning.” I said I was going to achieve this by “committing time to getting things done and take my time doing it and not rushing through it. I’ve learned a lot about time blocking and I find it very helpful. I made this goal in December and I haven’t achieved it yet but I will continue working on it.” I have found that I have succeeded in becoming more open to learning and having more of a growth mindset but I need to keep working on procrastinating less. I will accomplish that by looking ahead to when things are due and then working backwards to see when I can work on it and how much time I have to work on it.




I have learned many new things this year. Colonization, Shakespeare, light, dissection, algebra and linear equations and blue sky. I have learned through all of this that I struggle with writing paragraphs and putting my thoughts on paper, or in this case an iPad. My family and I have learned this together and are trying to work together to find the best way to help me with this. After many conversations we have decided to try tutoring and LAC. A good thing about LAC is that if you take it in high school it can be offered to you in post secondary if you need more help.




Way back in grades 6 and 7 I thought that high school was going to be scary. I thought about people being shoved in lockers, being the shortest, being pushed around in the halls and trampled. But after doing the 7 11 program I found that useful to connect with those students that have been through high school and how they could tell us their experiences. I found that took off a lot of stress. Then once I got to high school and figured out my schedule I found it smooth sailing and all the things I was scared of never happened other than common traffic in the halls. Now I actually prefer high school compared to elementary school.




I think that the biggest that I have discovered this year is my work ethic. In DI we had to work in teams, at the beginning I found it really hard with everyone figuring out what to do and figuring out ideas. But once I got every one to sit and listen, figure out who does what and what to do we got it under control. Another example of me working well in a team is just recently with blue sky. Sadly we didn’t get to know or meet with our groups until around 3 days before the exhibition, so our group was kind of panicking about getting our mural done and all the decorations. But in the end our group was one of the best.



Thank you so much for listening and I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts.