Soldier For a Day


The Soldier For a Day (SFAD) is a one day program is designed to allow students the opportunity to see the equipment, roles and capabilities of the Canadian Armed Forces – Army Reserve and educate them on the part time career opportunities with the Army Reserve

SFAD starts with an introduction to the facilities, and basic military concepts like drill (marching), dress and deportment. Then they will learn and experience a wide range of military equipment. They will be introduced to weapons, vehicles, and training equipment. We will also be introducing the students into some of our unique tactics and training. It will end with them receiving a briefing on education and employment opportunities available as well as how to join.

Students must meet the following criteria to be eligible for selection to participate in SFAD:
a. Canadian Citizen;
b. Between the ages of 16-57 (16-18 Parental consent required)
c. Have minimum grade 10 with 6 core credits complete(English, math and science)
d. Have no legal obligations to the judicial system

If interested in this event, please see Ms. Parmar for application. Deadline for application is April 13, 2016.