Pre-Placement Assignments

What You Need to Complete Before Placement:

  1. Sign and Return: Work Experience Application 
  2. Sign and Return: Course Outline – WEX 12a 2023 2024 | WEX 12b
  3. Complete: WEX Focus Areas Worksheet
  4. Complete: WEX Employability Skills Worksheet  | Use the following for a list of skills:  employskills2000
  5. Complete: WEX Resume marking guide  | Use the following as a sample but you can create your own based on the marking guide myBlueprint Resume Instructions & Sample 
  6. Compose: Cover Letter Marking Guide  | Use the following as a sample: Cover Letter Assignment
  7. Compose: Thank You Letter Assignment *This can be fictional
  8. Complete: Interview Readiness Checklist assignment – *This can be fictional
  9. Complete WorkSafe Knowledge. Review the required Work Safe knowledge on this page: Work Safe Knowledge Required Resource Review & Understanding
  10. Complete the WorkSafe BC Quiz (*Talk to Ms. Yeo or Mrs. Knapp to arrange a time to take the quiz. If you did this in CLE10, you need to confirm with Mrs. Knapp)